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Quiz yourself on the Arab ["Palestinian"] Israeli conflict

Quiz yourself on the Arab ["Palestinian"] Israeli conflict

1) When was the Arab immigration to [the historic Jewish land of] Israel -"Palestine" boosted?
A When they wanted to see Jewish holy sites.
B When [anti French and anti British] Arab nationalism spread across the middle east.
C When the Zionists Jews came and cultivated the deserted land. * * *
2) What's [Arab "Palestinian" highest "national" icon] Yasser Arafat's country of origin?
A Israel ["Palestine"].
B Jordan.
C Egypt.
3) Why were there --initially-- more Arab immigrants ["residents"] than Jewish immigrants (Arab majority)?
A Because Jews didn't attempt to enter.
B Arabs were 'invited" to come.
C Because the British restricted only Jewish immigration, to appease the Arabs
4) Why did (some) Arabs leave "Palestine" Israel in 1948?
A Because the Zionists "told" them to.
B Because the UN told them to.
C Because the Arab leaders ordered them to evacuate [their reasoning: to facilitate annihilation plans] while they attempt to 'throw the Jews in the sea'.
5) What has been the term "Palestine" always referred to?
A a country.
B a flag.
C an area, always known to be historical Israel.
6) What was Arabs' reaction to UN's partition plan for a two state solution and have their conduct since then ever been legal?
A they embraced the UN.
B they ignored and didn't react at all.
C they refused, objected to the plan and illegally started attacking the newly reinstated state of Israel.
7) How many Jewish refugees were chased out from Arab Muslim countries after Israel was re-established?
A 300,000
B 500,000
C Between 800,000 & 900,000 *
8) When did Arabs, Muslims start attacking Jews in the holy land?
A In the 1940's
B In the 1930's
C In the 1920's
9) Why did Arabs attack Jews so many years [even] prior to the re-establishment of Jews' homeland?
A Because of losing sports games to the Jews.
B Because of the "occupation" by... the British...
C Because they were led by such racist leaders like Haj Amin Al-Husseini the Mufti, that so shamelessly kissed Adolf Hitler's ass (while Hitler played the Arabs to his anti Jewish agenda).
10) What is synonymous with the Arab Muslim leader the Mufti?
A Spirituality.
B Peaceful religion.
C [Christian] Armenian genocide 1915, Hebron massacre 1929, pact with Adolf Hitler, Farhud massacre in Baghdad 1941, SS Bosnian Muslim brigade's crimes on Serb Christians 1943.
11) What did/do Arabs call to any lost [armed] battle to the Zionists?
A Loss.
B Mistake
C A "massacre" .
12) When did that so called "occupation" occur and why?
A In the 1948, during the war of independence.
B In the 1950's, as part of an "expansion".
C In the 1967 war when Israel decided it 'had enough' of constant Arab unprovoked attacks on its innocent citizens, the Goliath combined nations of Arabs, as always, lost the war to little tiny Israel - "David", by all legal means it was not a "theft".
13) Why did/does Israel continue to 'hold' the territories captured in 1967?
A Power hungry.
B "oil"...
C 1) Historic rights, it was always pertaining to the Jews. 2) Because of security, buffer zone.
14) What has been Israelis' experience in giving gestures to the Arabs so far?
A Arabs behave better.
B No change.
C Arabs, Muslims become more radical, more violent [example: Hamas rose right after the Gaza give away] as they see Israel's kindness as weakness.
15) When did these Arabs, (mostly) sons and grandsons of immigrants start to call themselves as "Palestinians"?
A In the 1940's.
B In the 1950's.
C In the 1960's.
16) What did/do all Arab-Muslim leaders & "fighters" openly plan to do to the Jews in their many wars?
A To occupy them.
B To oppress them.
C [To "throw them all into the sea". or a modern version of:"wiping off map", or "drinking the blood of the Jews" - aka] Genocide.
17) Who started to give equality for minorities, including voting rights for [Arab] women in the middle east?
A Jordan.
C Israel.
18) Where in the middle east, does it exist a 100% complete freedom of speech, freedom of the press?
A "Palestinian" authority.
B Egypt.
C Israel.
19) Do Arabs, Muslims participate in Israel's pluralistic democracy, Are there Arabs in the Israeli democratic government?
A No, there is "apartheid".
B No non-Zionists allowed.
C Yes, in fact Arabs, Muslims are elected to high offices in the Israeli government.
* * * * * *
20) In disputes between Arabs & Jews, Who does Israeli democratic court favor?
A The Israeli Jews.
B No preference.
C They overwhelmingly favor the Arabs, especially in land issues [Arabs, Muslims are often first class citizens].
21) At any tense time, who is barred from the Temple mount by the Israeli government?
A The Muslims.
B Both, the Jews and the Muslims.
C Only Jews are barred [Arabs, Muslims are often first class citizens].
22) What's the "race" or "skin tone" of Israeli society?
A White.
B Black.
C Cosmopolitan, multi-racial, Israel has all shades, races and colors, from the whitest of "white", to the darkest of "black" and anything in between [including Vietnamese refugees and refugees of the genocide in Sudan by cruel racist Arab Janjaveeds].
23) What's the nature of the state of Israel?
A Religious.
B Moderate religious.
C Secular democracy.
24) How many faiths, religions are active in Israel?
A Judaism only.
B Judaism & Christianity only.
C Cosmopolitan, there are 13 faiths being practiced in Israel's democracy, including majority - Judaism, Christianity, 20% Islam, Bahai, etc.
25) Are there any Jews, or Jews allowed to reside in "Palestinian" controlled "Palestine"?
A yes.
B yes, but in limited numbers.
C not at all, its what is called racist "Judenrein - Palestine", AKA ethnic cleansed, only Arabs allowed. *
26) What's the status of [the minority] Arab Christians' rights and lives under "Palestinian" rule?
A Better than ever.
B No change.
C Always deteriorating.
27) Who is being treated in Israeli hospitals & at Israeli medical facilities?
A Jews and Arabs.
B Jews and Arabs & visitors.
C Jews and Arabs, including "Palestinian" Arabs, and international patients especially humanitarian treatment for some of underdeveloped countries.
28) Is [Israel's army:] IDF's work only protecting Israeli lives?
A it's all about "occupation".
B Protection but also "occupation".
C mainly defending Israelis' lives, but also providing humanitarian aid all over the world [includes Muslim countries that had natural disasters].
29) What are Islamic "Palestinians" plans with radical liberal westerners that act for their behalf or [at least] apologetic to their [so called] "cause"?
A Hugs & kisses.
B Gift cards.
C a reminder: pacifist Daniel Pearl beheading in Pakistan, killing of activist Tom Fox in Iraq, lefty Kibbutz "Netzer" slaughter by Fatah.
30) Do [most] ultra orthodox religious Jews serve in Israeli army, and are their children also targets by "Palestinian" Muslim genocide bombings & other attacks?
A they are on the frontline of combat units.
B they serve in the army and bear arms like everybody else.
C they do NOT serve in the IDF, Yet, their children are as much a target by 'Palestinian' terrorists.
31) When "Palestinians" talk about "occupation" what do they mean?
A Territories captured in the 1967 war.
B The arrests of terrorists.
C Israel 'proper' - Tel Aviv, Haifa, etc. *
32) What areas have been rattled by "Palestinian" Arabs violence?
A only "Palestinian" held areas.
B only Israeli areas.
C Israel, "Palestinian" held areas, Jordan ("Black September"), Lebanon (past & present).
33) Is the Jewish capital, biblical holy city of Jerusalem mentioned in the Muslim Quran?
A sure, as many times as it is mentioned in the Jewish/Christian Bible.
B at least once...
C not at all, the only reference the Islamic religion has of it is Muhammad said he had a dream of it...
34) What's the common denominator with oppressing, massacring Kurds, oppressing the Berbers, slavery, oppression and genocide in Sudan, Chad, Mauritania, Saddam's war on the Persians, etc. and the Arab war on Israel?
A Arab unity.
B unrelated stories.
C Arab [supremacy, Arabization and Arab] racism *.
35) What's the common denominator with bombings in New York, Bali Indonesia, Madrid Spain, London UK, Israel, India, Thailand, Paris France, Lebanon etc.?
A "Freedom fighting".
B Unrelated stories.
C Islamic Jihad - intolerance for non Muslims. *
36) What's the common denominator with oppressing minorities - dhimmis in the Islamic world, persecuting Christians [including by Islamic "Palestinians"], and other non Muslim minorities in the Islamic world, and radicals' war on all non-Muslims or even on those 'not Muslims enough' [terror bombings on their own people like: in Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc.]?
A Muslim "victim-hood".
B Unrelated stories.
C Islamic Fascism.
37) Why did/do Arab Muslim leaders prevent Arab "Palestinians" advancing in life?
A Arab unity.
B Unrelated stories.
C It serves them as a "good" unifying [as there's never really positive-unity in the Arab world] card & and a fabulous diversion whenever their population tries to cry out against the terrible oppression and crimes in the entire Arab Muslim world on their own people.
38) Why do Arab Muslim ["Palestinian" & Hezbollah] terrorists use their own women and children as human shields when carrying out shootings, and terror attacks?
A their children ask for it.
B They are "warrior heroes".
C 1) (Cowardice) they know Israel is humane and is prevented from acting. 2) they hate their children in 'Jihadi love'. 3) Because [it's only] they [who] seek Arab women/children's deaths to demonetize Israel.
39) What are the statistic characteristics of casualties of the Arab Islamic Intifadas?
A both sides have lost mainly unarmed civilians
B most Arab deaths are non terrorists.
C Most of the casualties on the Israeli side are innocent unarmed civilians, whereas on the Arab "Palestinian" side most are armed [or assisting to] combatants.
40) What are checkpoints, and for what purpose do they exist?
A "Brutal Occupation"
B a garage that checks up your car.
C Security checking points that reviews passers by [a checkpoint in the airport should give you an idea], especially in areas known to be terror hubs.
41) Should some ambulances and some of those women that appear to be "pregnant" be checked up in known dangerous terror areas as well, and why?
A no, they are all "innocent Palestinians".
B just ask them if they are terrorists...
C "Palestinian" Islamists have been known to use ambulances, kids, women truly or falsely pregnant, to carry explosives and other assisting terror activities.
42) Why did Arab Christians massacre Muslim "Palestinians" in Sabra Shatila in 1982?
A because they felt like it.
B because of Reagan, Sharon, the weather...
C as a result of Syrian occupiers & Muslim "Palestinians" massacring Arab Christians in Damour Lebanon 1976.
43) Was there ever [in history] such a state called "Palestine", or Was there ever an Arab sovereign State in Israel/Palestine?
A Yes, sure, under the Ottoman empire.
B Yes, sure, under the British empire.
C No, Never!
44) Who has changed the Jewish area of Israel into "Palestine"?
A The Greeks.
B When the Dutch brutally enslaved the people of Congo.
C The Romans.
45) How many Arab states are there [already]?
A 10.
B 20.
C 22.
46) Is there any difference between a Jordanian Arab, a "Palestinian" Arab and an Israeli Arab [both residents of different sides of the defense barrier-wall]?
A Sure, in the skin tone.
B Sure, in the [so called] "culture".
C Not at all.
47) Are the Arabs, the "native indigenous" people of the countries such as: Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, etc.?
A Yes, they were there for thousands of years...
B Most of them are indigenous.
C No, the indigenous are the Berbers in N. Africa, and the Nubians in Egypt...
48) Who's famously quoted as saying: "Next to the Jews we hate the [Arab-] Palestinians the most"?
A Hitler.
B KKK leader.
C most powerful Arab, king Fahd.
49) Does the Islamic [Hitler] Ahmadinejad of Iran have any "borders and territorial" issues with Israel & Is he genuinely confused about the Holocaust [though Iranians know all too well the massive influx of survivors that have escaped it and entered seeking asylum in Iran]?
A sure, Iran borders with Israel...
B he "aches' for the Arab "Palestinians", though he oppresses, persecutes [all the minorities in Iran, Azeris, Kurds, Turkomans, Baluchis, Baha'i, and kills Ahwazi] Arabs.
C he is an example of pure Islamic bigotry.
50) A word, an image a story out of a "Palestinian" source is...?
A credible.
B like any other source.
C never credible, very possibly to be turned out to be another edited image [Pallywod].
51) Is there ever a balanced report in [any of] the Arab media as in Israeli media that shows always a variety of opinions?
A there's always Israel's view presented as well.
B both sides are presented equally.
C nothing but the Arab view exclusively is presented, always.
52) The Arab street gets angered by...?
A what Israel does.
B what Israel does not.
C what and how the Arab media reports, it incites, inflates emotions, often via graphic photos of dead Arabs, without explaining that it is for the most part due to terrorists' cynical tactics.
53) When you see the US, white house foreign policy so pro "Palestinian" by Bush, like pushing only the Israeli side to give concessions of their own vital land for security, and releasing more dangerous terrorists, What goes through your mind?
A "Zionist lobby".
B Chinese lobby.
C Appeasing the giant [Arab lobby] Islamic: Saudi, Gulf states, Arabian oil tycoons.
54) When you see the past & present constant obsession by the UN with all kind of [obscure and] bigoted heavy-handed "resolutions" on Israel, Israel being so horrifically demonetize in the international press, the racist boycotting campaigns, etc. What goes through your mind?
A "Israeli lobby".
B Pharmaceutical lobby.
C The Goliath Islamo Arab [lobby mafia] power, control, grip on the world, via intimidations, and terrorizing international organizations and country leaders, the factor of 'angry violent Arab street' in Europe, using Arab world's market, and oil as 'weapons' as well.
55) Who pulls the strings in major US' foreign policy like on: Iraq, and on [Islamic oppressive republic of] Iran?
A "Christian lobby".
B "Kurdish lobby".
C Arab Gulf States.
56) Are there any Arabs, Muslims countries recipients of US foreign aid?
A no, only Israel gets aid
B everyone gets aid.
C Islamic Pakistan, Arab Egypt and Arab Jordan receive billions of dollars in aids, recently, the Arab "Palestinians" get aid as well.
57) What was the first things "Palestinian" Islamic Hamas & its supporters did when winning Gaza [after super kind Israel gave the violent "Palestinians" the gift of Gaza land]?
A offering an olive branch.
B changed its fascist charter.
C reiterating its goal to eliminate [all of] Israel, terrorizing Christians, forcing them to convert to Islam, attacking their schools, organizations [like YMCA] & media.
58) What do Hamas & Hezbollah want/seek?
A nice villa with a view of the ocean.
B sports cars.
C ethnic cleansing of Jews, suppressing or eliminating all non-Muslims [especially Christians], establishing an Islamic oppressive theocracy, ultimately Hamas' goal is: Global Domination - Islamic repressive Caliphate.
59) What portion of the 'Palestinian' population in Gaza is behind the genocidal Hamas?
A a third.
B a half.
C an overwhelming majority.
60) Is the support for massacres, racism of denying Israel's right to exist & genocide bombings only by a minority among 'Palestinian" Arabs?
A by a tiny fringy minority, (most "Palestinians" are "innocent").
B by a considerable minority.
C by its [guilty] mainstream.
61) Is "Palestinian" leadership of "moderate" Fatah free of extremism, terrorism?
A it's truly moderate.
B it's somehow moderate.
C PA official media & education network is still glorifying mass murder as "martyrs heroes", encourages ethnic cleansing, Abass [Abu Mazen] is a racist Holocaust "denier", Fatah still has the murderous 'Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade' terror group under its wings
62) Who's at fault for Arab "Palestinian" misery?
A the "Zionists".
B the west.
C 1) Their mainstream that has always selected self destructive choices, terrible corruptive leaders over change, war over peace, more extremism over positive respond to Israel's peaceful gestures, "indulgence" in the Jihad death cult over advancement, and twisted around teachings over real education. 2) The Arab leaders that have been preventing any improvement, to continue to use them as a football against Israel.
63) What is the average "Palestinian" Muslim child being taught to aspire to be?
A a doctor.
B an actor.
C a mass murderer "martyr".
64) How loving are [so many] "Palestinian" mothers for their children?
A just like any other mother in the world.
B more than any other mother.
C instilling venomous hate into their children, pushing them to the suicidal cult, to be used as human bombs & willing to sell them to the devil of Islamic Jihadi martyrdom [often for monetary payment from oil rich Arabs], "Peace will come when the Arabs start loving their children more than they hate us", Golda Meir.
65) Who indoctrinates its children to fascist hatred and to view others as animals [apes & pigs]?
A the Quakers.
B the Amish.
C the "Palestinians" & other Islamic clerics.
66) What's Israel's fighting for?
A just land.
B "power".
C survival against Genocide!

Note: If your answers were not 'C', please start over again...

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