(A) Research Papers Published in National and International Journals (No. of papers = 05)
Sinha, Manoj Kumar, 2011. Status of E-Resources Consortium Initiative in Academic and Technical Libraries in India: An Overview. Kelpro Bulletin, 15 (1) June 2011, 47-60.(ISSN : 0975-4911, R.N.: 67733/97)
Sinha, Manoj Kumar.2010. Status of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure and Computerisation of University Libraries of North Eastern Region of India: A Survey. Librarian: Journal of Library and Information Science, 17, 16-29. (ISSN: 0972-3978)
Sinha, Manoj Kumar.2011. Information Communication Technology (ICT) Awareness amongst University and College Teachers of North Eastern Region of India. Indian Journal of Information Library & Society, 24 (1-2) Jan-Jun, 2011, 34-57. (ISSN: 0971-4286)
Sinha, Manoj Kumar.2011. Information Communication Technology (ICT) Awareness amongst University and College Teachers of North Eastern Region of India: A Survey. Library Progress (International), 31 (2) July-Dec, 2011, 217-234. (ISSN: 0970-1052).
Sinha, Manoj Kumar.2012Internet literacy skills and internet usage patterns to access e-resources by Assam university library users: an evaluative study. International Research Journal of Library, Information and Archival Studies 2 (1) pp. 010-026, January, 2012 (Available online http://www.interesjournals.org/IRJLIAS) Copyright © 2012 International Research Journals ) (ISSN 2276-6502).
Research Papers in Conference Proceedings (Published and / or Presented in Conference) ( No. 08)
Sinha, Manoj Kumar .2011.Collection Development of Digital / E-Resources in Academic and Technical Libraries: Issues and Challenges. In: UGC National Seminar on Management of Digital/e-Resources organised by Department of Library and Information Science , Sarojini Naidu Vanita Mahavidyalaya College for Women, Hyderabad in collaboration with Knowledge Connect for Empowerment , Habsiguda, Hyderabad during August 19-20, 2011(Eds. N. Laxman Rao et.al ), Sarojini Naidu Vanita Mahavidyalaya, Hyderabad , Pp.17-44. (ISBN: 978-81-922167-0-6) (Paper Back).
Sinha, Manoj Kumar.2011.Need for Strengthening and Integrating Public Libraries/ Rural Libraries with Community Information Centres of North East India : Some Suggestions. In: Public Libraries in ICT –Driven Knowledge Society jointly organised by RRRLF, Kolkata and Manipur Library Association, Imphal during September 10-11, 2011(Eds. Ch. Ibohal Singh ), RRRLF, Kolkata and MALA, Imphal, Pp.90-113. (ISBN: 978-81-909699-9-4) (Paper Back)
Sinha, Manoj Kumar. 2011. Scenario of Institutional Digital Repositories in Academic and Technical Libraries of India for Open Access In: Abstract of XXVIII All India IASLIC Conference , organised jointly by IASLIC , Kolkata and Alma Iqbal Library , University of Kashmir, Srinagar during October 10-13, 2011( Eds: Pijuskanti Panigrahi et.al) Pp.9.
Sinha, Manoj Kumar .2011. Empowering Library and Information Professionals and Library End –Users of Academic Libraries in Changing Environment: Issues and Challenges .In: Repositioning Libraries for User Empowerment: Policy, Planning and Technology: Conference Papers 13th MANLIBNET Annual Convention, organised by University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi during October 13-15, 2011 (Eds. Tariq Ashraf et.al ), Bookwell, New Delhi , Pp.231-249. (ISBN: 978-93-80574-2-5) (Paper Back).
Sinha, Manoj Kumar. 2011. Scenario of Library and Information Science Education and Research in North Eastern Region of India: An Overview. In: LIS Education , Research and Training : Vision 2020 (100 Years of LIS Education in India ) IATLIS 2011 : Papers of the XXVIII National Confeence on LIS Education in India organised by AITLIS, and DLIS, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad during November 26-28, 2011, (Eds: Jagtar Singh and Trishanjit Kaur ), AITLIS, Patiala, Pp.510-530. (ISBN: 978-81-920456-1-0) (Paper Back).
Sinha, Manoj Kumar. 2011. ICT and Internet Literacy amongst the University Library Users of North Eastern States of India for Accessing to Electronic/ Web Resources: An Empirical Study. In: Emerging Library and Information Technologies : papers presented at the National Seminar on Emerging Library and Information Technologies (ELITE-2011) , 9-10 December , 2011, (Eds: G. Rathinasabapathy , V.Chandrakumar and K. Elavazhakan ) , Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, 2011, Pp. 66-83 ( ISBN: 978-81-922103-0-8) (Hard Bound).
Sinha, Manoj Kumar. 2011. Impact of Elelctronic Publishing on Higher Education and Research : Issues and Challenges In: Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Elelctronic Publishing : ICEP-2012 (Eds:C.K. Ramayia ) , orgnaised by the Department of Library and Information Science, Pondichery University, Pudduchery during February 29, March 1-2, 2011, Pondichery University, Pudduchery. Pp. _______( Accepted for publication ).
Sinha, Manoj Kumar. 2011. Status of ICT and Internet Literacy for Accessing to Electronic Resources Available under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium: A Case Study. In: 8th Cpnvention PLANNER-2012: Building Participatory Library Services in Digital Era , March 01-03 2012 (Eds: Jagadish Arora et. al.,),Jointly organised by INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad and Sikkim University, Gangtok , Sikkim INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad , Pp. 297-318 (ISBN: 978-93-81232-02-6 (Paper Back)
Abstracts Published in Seminar and Conferences ( No. = 03)
Sinha, Manoj Kumar. 2011. Scenario of Institutional Digital Repositories in Academic and Technical Libraries of India for Open Access In: Abstract of XXVIII All India IASLIC Conference , organised jointly by IASLIC , Kolkata and Alma Iqbal Library , University of Kashmir, Srinagar during October 10-13, 2011( Eds: Pijuskanti Panigrahi et.al) Pp.9.
Sinha, Manoj Kumar. 2011. Are we Really Serious for Modernisation of Public Libraries of North East India? Some Discussions. In: Abstracts of National Seminar on Modernisation of Public Libraries in India with Special Refeence to North East India ( NASEMPLINER,2011) organised by DLISc, Gauhati University, in collaboration with CRL , Kolkata, Ministry of Culture , Govt. of India durin Novmber 11-12, 2011(Eds: R.K. Barman et al. )Pp.24-25
Sinha, Manoj Kumar. 2011. Managing Digital/ E-Resources in Academic and Technical Libraries of India: Issues and Challenges. In: Souvenir of 14th National Convention on Knowledge , Library and Information Networking (NACLIN-2011) orgnaised by DELNET, New Delhi during November 15-17, 2011 at Visva-Bharti, Santiniketan, West Bengal, (Eds: Subodh Gopal Nandi et.al.) Pp31
Research Papers Presented in Seminar and Conferences ( No.= 09)
Research Papers in Edited Books (01)
Sinha, Manoj Kumar.2011. ICT Literacy and Awareness amongst University and College Teachers of North Eastern Region of India: A Survey. In: Paradigm Shift in Technological Advancement in Librarianship: Essays in Honour of Dr. P. K. Gupta. (Eds: N.K. Swain, D.C. Ojha and M. S. Rana), Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur, Pp387-411.( ISBN: 978-81-7233-745-2) (Hardbound)
Academic Outreach ( No.-=12)
Nominated as a Member of the Advisory Committee of UGC National Seminar on Management of Digital/e-Resources organised by Department of Library and Information Science, Sarojini Naidu Vanita Mahavidyalaya College for Women, Hyderabad in collaboration with Knowledge Connect for Empowerment, Habsiguda, Hyderabad during August 19-20, 2011.
Appointed and served as Practical Examiner for 1st Sememster MLIS Students (MLIS-104: Library Cataloguing Practical) on 13th December 2011 at Department of Library and Information Sceince, Mizoram University, Aizwal.
Nominated as a Member of Prepartory Committee and Book Fair Core Committee for organising 5th Annual Book Fair and Exhibition which was organised by Assam University Society for Outreach and Extension Activities during January 21-27, 2012 at Netaji Mukta Munch , Assam University, Silchar
Nominated as a Member of Student Volunteer Sub-Committee for Foundation Day Celebration and 12th Convocation of the University held during January 21, 2012 and March 6, 2012 respectively.
Served as an Expert for Final Ph.D. Registration Seminar for the Research Scholars of the Department of Mass Communication, Assam University , Silchar which was held on 1st Febrary, 2012 at 11. 30 A.M. .
Served as an Expert for Pre-Submission Ph.D. Seminar for the Research Scholars of the Department of Mass Communication, Assam University , Silchar which was held on 4th Febrary 2012 at 11.30 A.M,
Appointed as an Examiner for the Central Evaluation of the Scripts of PG Odd Semester Examination 2011 for Paper LIS-101, LIS-103, LIS-301, and LIS-304 held during Febrary 8-25, 2012.
Nominated as a Member of Editorial Advisory Board of Professional Journal of Library and Information Technology (The Bi-Annual Refereed Journal of Library and Information Technology) ISSN 0976-7274 / RNI REGN No. UPENG/2010/37607) from Volume -2 (1), 2012 onwards.
Appointed as a External Examiner for Evaluation of Ph.D. thesis entiled “ Information Seeking Beahviour in Digital Environment : A study of Social Scientists of Manipur” submitted by S. Bembem for the award of Doctor of Philsophy in Library and Information Science, Manipur University, Imphal.
Appointed as a Member of the Committee for conducting the Vva-Voce for the award of Doctor of Philosophy in respect of Ms S. Bembem, Research Scholar , Library and Information Science, Manipur University, Imphal and attended the meeting for conucting the Viva-Voce on Febrary 27, 2012 (Monday) at 11. A.M. in the Deans Chamber, School of Social Sciences, Manipur University, Imphal.
Nominated as a Member of the Programme Organising Committee of PLANNER-2012 , jointly organised by the INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad in collaboration with Sikkim University, Gangtok during March 1-3, 2012.
Nominated as a Member of National Advisory Board for 3rd International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services , which is being organized jointly by Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology (JUET) Guna (MP) India and Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT) Noida (UP) India during from October 26-27, 2012 at JUET Guna.
Workshop /Training Programme Attended ( 02)
Listed in Biography (07)
Posted by Stacy Esch on November 6, 2023 at 8:15pm 10 Comments 0 Likes
Is an artist's "vision" primarily a product of experience or imagination? I don't want to pursue the simple answer that it's both. Is it primarily one or the other, of if it's just plain old both, how do they interact to create an imaginary world?
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Posted by Clare Davis on November 6, 2023 at 8:15pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
In the beginning of August 2008 I was doing great. I went to the gym 3 times a week for 3 hours each time. I had lost weight and had a nice tone coming. I was nicely tanned with some help of the tanning beds. I rode my motorcycle back and forth to work and to the gym. In the middle of August a leg press came down on top of my head while i was trying to get it reset to the proper location so I would be able to use the equipment. I got very dizzy and had to go home, that was the end of my…
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Posted by Fina on November 6, 2023 at 8:10pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
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