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Report of National Seminar on Collection Development (NSCD)-2011

Report of Two Day National Seminar


Collection Development in Academic, Public and Special Libraries & Information Centers in Digital Era with Special Reference to North East India (NSCD-2011)


Jointly Organised by

Department of Library and Information Science, Assam University, Silchar and Central Reference Library, Kolkata (Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India


Inaugural Programme

The Two Day National Seminar on Collection Development in Academic, Public and Special Libraries and Information Centres in Digital Era with special reference to North East India jointly Organised by  the Department of Library and Information Science,  Assam University (A Central University) , Silchar-788 011 and Central Reference Library, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Kolkata-700 027 (Sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Government  of India ) held during February 10-11, 2011 at Bipin Chandra Paul Seminar Hall.

The National Seminar on Collection Development (NSCD-2011) was inaugurated by Prof. Tapodhir Bhattacharjee, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Assam University, Silchar at 10.30 A.M. He has also presided over the Inaugural Programme and grace the function as the Chief Guest of the programme.

The Inaugural Programme was started with inviting the dignitaries on the dais and Lighting of the Candle by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor , Prof-Vice Chancellor (STM) and Pro-Vice Chancellor (HAD) , Prof. Narendra Lahkar , Sri Iqbal Ahmad from the Central Reference Library and Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha  which was followed by the Inaugural Song by the students of Department of Bengali and Library and Information Science.

The Souvenir –Cum--Abstract was released by the Chief Guest Prof. Tapodhir Bhattacharjee and handed over one copy to each of the dignitaries on the dais. He congratulated Dr. Sinha and other members of the Editorial Committees to bring out the publication nicely.

While welcoming the Chief Guest Prof. Tapodhir Bhattacharjee, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, AUS and other dignitaries off and on the dais, Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Organising Secretary , National Seminar on Collection Development  (NSCD-2011) informed about the genesis of the seminar and highlighted the background and theme of the seminar. He has briefly described the need of developing the policies and guidelines for collection development of printed as well as electronic resources in digital era with special reference to North East India. Dr. Sinha told that this is a historic moment for the students and faculty members of the Department of Library  and Information Science to organise such a National Seminar  in the new department which is one and half year old.

Prof. G.D. Sharma, Hon’ble Pro-Vice Chancellor (STM) has highlighted about the various aspects of printed and electronic resources and requested all the participants to evolve the strategies for developing the printed as well as electronic resources in the academic, public and special libraries of North East India. He pointed out to consider the requirement of the students and faculty members while procuring the resources on the basis of urgent need. He congratulated Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha and other members of the Organising Committee to organise such a event successfully.

Prof. Goutam Biswas , Prof-Vice-Chancellor (HAD) has congratulated Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha , Organising Secretary  and his team for organising the National Seminar beautifully  and in befitting manner in very short possible time. He recited few lines from the Gurdev Rabindra Nath Tagore literature which he wrote on the importance of Library in the society.

Sri Iqbal Ahnad , Asst Editor, Central Reference Library, Kolkata has highlighted the brief account of the activities and functioning of the Central Reference Library . He informed about the contributions made by the CRL for holding Seminar, Workshops and Training Programme in North Eastern Region of India which is mainly sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. He highlighted about one of the most important publications of CRL, Indian National Bibliography (INB) which is now publishing titles of all Indian Languages in transliteration form in Roman Script.  He has handed over the first issues of INB in its new format to the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, AUS. 

The Key Note Address on Collection Development: Issues and Challenges were given by Prof. Narendra Lahkar, Department of Library and Information Science, Gauhati University, Guwahati. In his key note address he has broadly covered all important aspect of Collection Development of Printed and Electronic Resources with special reference to North Eastern Region. He also emphasised upon the need of preservation of manuscripts and other rare documents which are available in private collection.

Then the Presidential Address was delivered by Prof. Tapodhir Bhattacharjee, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Assam University, Silchar. In his inaugural address he emphasised on the role of academic library and librarian in collection development. He congratulated Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha , Organising Secretary, NSCD-2011 and his team for beautifully organising National Seminar in within one and half year of the inception of the department. He also said that it is historic event for the Department of Library and Information Science and it is matter of pride that many stalwarts in Library and Information Science profession are attending the seminar to make it a grand success. He expressed his satisfaction over the preparations of the seminar. As a Chairman of the Organising Committee he also welcomed all the participants, dignitaries’ and invitees for attending the seminar and making this event a grand success.

At the enc of the Inaugural Programme, customary Vote of Thanks was offered by Dr. Mukut Sarmah, Assistant Professor, DLIS & Assistant Organising Secretary. The Vote of Thanks was followed by High Tea.

Report of the Technical Sessions and Panel Discussion

The seminar was conducted in four Technical Sessions which was followed by Panel Discussion. 1st Technical Session was Chaired by Dr. P.K. Jayaswal, Former Librarian, Assam University, Silchar. Sub-Theme Paper was presented by Dr. Madan Singh Rana, Librarian, Assam University, Silchar which was followed by six contributory papers.

The 2nd Technical Session was chaired by Prof. N. Laxman Rao, Emeritus Professor, DLISc, Osmania University, Hyderabad. The Sub-Theme Paper was presented by Dr. S.N. Singh, Associate Professor, DLISc, Mizoram University, Aizwal which was followed by five contributory papers.

The 3rd Technical Session was Chaired by Prof. Narendra Lahkar , DLISc, Gauhati University, Guwahati . The Theme Paper was presented by Dr. Kishor Chandra Satpathy which was followed by presentation of seven Contributory Papers. The 4th Technical Session was chaired by Prof. P. Rath, Prof. & HOD, DLISc, Mizoram University, Aizwal and the Sub-Theme Paper was presented by Prof. N. Laxman Rao from Osmania University, Hyderabad. In this session about nine papers were presented. Out of 52 papers accepted for presentations and publication in the seminar volume altogether 30  papers including Sub-Theme papers were presented in the seminar . The Souvenir –Cum-Abstract Volume was published on the occasion of National Seminar on Collection Development (NSCD-2011).

After Technical Session the Panel Discussion was held at 2.30 P.M. to 3.30 P.M The Panel Discussion was Coordinated by Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Organising Secretary, NSCD-2011. Eminent speakers like Prof. N. Laxman Rao, Prof. Nrendra Lahkar, Dr. P.K. Jayaswal , Dr. Madan Singh Rana Dr. Kishor Satpathy and Prof. P. Rath  have participated in the Panel discussion and kept their views. Some valuable recommendations were also suggested by them.

The Inaugural Function was anchored by Ms Charu Joshi, Research Scholar, Department of Mass Communication, AUS. The remaining programme was well coordinated and anchored by Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Reader & Head of the Department and Organising Secretary, National Seminar on Collection Development (NSCD-2011).

The entire media coverage was coordinated by Dr. Raghvendra Mishra , Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication and his team. Sri Pranab Bhattacharjee, Sri Arindam Sarkar , Sri Kutub Uddin , Ms Payal Das and students of Mass Communication and Department of Library and Information Science contributed a lot for the successful organisation of the seminar.



Valedictory Programme

(Venue: Department of Library and Information Science, AUS,

Date 11/02/2011 at 4.30 P.M.)

At the end of the programme Valedictory Function was held on 11/02/2011 which was chaired by Prof. N. Laxman Rao of Osmania University, Hyderabad who was the Chief Guest of the Programme and presided over the programme also. Dr. P. K. Jayaswal, Former Librarian , AUS ; Sri Debabrata Deb , Registrar, AUS; Prof. Sajal Nag Dean Swami Vivekananda School of Library Science , AUS and Sri Dibakar Kanunjna were Guests  of Honour .

Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Organising Secretary of the Seminar welcomed all the members on the dais and all the dignitaries were felicitated by the students of the department of Library and Information Science with flower bouquets. While welcoming the guests, Dr. Sinha requested Dr. Madan Singh Rana, Librarian, Assam University, Silchar and Rapporteur General, NSCD-2011 to present Comprehensive Report of the Seminar and Recommendations formulated out of the deliberation of the seminar.

After report presentation the dignitaries on the dais were requested to say few words on this occasion. The Guest of Honour Sri Debabrata Deb , Registrar, Assam University, Silchar;  Sri Dibakar Kanunjna , Finance Officer , AUS; Dr. P.K. Jayaswal , Former Librarian, Assam University, Silchar; Prof. Prabhakar Rath, Mizoram University, Aizwal ; Sri Kishor Chandra Satpathy, Librarian , NIT, Silchar; and the Chief Guest , Prof  N. Laxman Rao , Osmania University, Hyderabad kept their view one after another . They congratulated Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Organising Secretary, NSCD-2011 and his team for organising the seminar in befitting manner.

Dr. R.K. Jotten Singh , Information Scientist has given feedback on behalf of the participants. At the end of the programme, formal Vote of Thanks was offered by Dr. (Mrs.) Sumana C. Sarmah, Deputy Librarian, Assam University, Library.

From the responses received from the participants, their attendance and academic discourse, the National Seminar on Collection Development seems to be a grand success.


 Recommendations of National Seminar on Collection Development


Dr. Madan Singh Rana , Librarian, AUS & Rapportuer General of the National Seminar on Collection Development (NSCD-2011) presented the brief report of the seminar and also highlighted important recommendations. He told that presently all the libraries and information centres are extending library and information services to different generations of users to fulfil the varied information needs of the library users.

Therefore to serve the library users in better ways, the followings important Suggestions and Recommendations are being made on the basis of the deliberations of the seminar in last two days for onward transmission to the Funding Agency, the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India through Central Reference Library, Kolkata for further necessary action for its implementations:

  • Appropriate Policy for Collection Development of both printed and Electronic Resources (E-Resources) needs to be drafted in view of the changing formats of the learning objects and resources;
  • A suitable Weeding Out Policy for old collections  should be drafted for the Libraries and Information Centres of North Eastern Region to cope up the space problems in the libraries ;
  • While developing collection of printed reading materials  for new departments , the titles are duplicated which needs to be reduced and available grants may be diverted for the procurement of other new relevant publications;
  • As a part of Collection Development, the Web Resources including Open Access and Free e-resources should be fully exploited for integrating the these resources to the University/ Institutional Web Sites / Web Portal of Library;
  • An extensive survey for the Status of Rural as well as Urban Public Libraries has to be initiated by the Department of Library and Information Science to obtain baseline data for suggesting appropriate methods for uplifting the deplorable condition of public libraries in the N E States;
  • Implementation of Library Legislation in the remaining  states of N E Region and other parts of the country should be taken into consideration in view of the changing ICT/Digital Environment;
  • The Library should use ICT extensively to build the appropriate collection including different modes for providing efficient and effective information services to the end users;
  • Resource Sharing should be made priority to enable to satisfy the Second and Third Law of Library Science. The universities / institutions are required to provide necessary permission and infrastructure  to be a partner for resource sharing in the North Eastern Region;
  • A policy  Document has to be developed to enlist the local indigenous information resources  and Action Plan has to be made to identify and made available for access the ethnically local information resources ;
  • A network of Library and Information centres for North Eastern Region (NELIBNET) or Regional Knowledge Network for N E Region (RKNNER) needs to be designed and developed to make this  network workable and adequate funding may be sought from the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India for this project to connect all academic, public and special libraries and information centres of this region;
  • Immediate attention may be given for computerisation of academic, public and special libraries and information centres of this region. Although comprehensive  efforts have been taken by INFLIBNET Centre to initiate computerisation , automation and networking of college and university libraries of this region which needs further assistance for strengthening  the computer based library and information services provided in school. Public, special libraries in the changing scenario of digital era;
  • To bridge the gap of digital divide from academic to public , rural to urban population for extending equal opportunity to all for having desired information to various communities of the society at large, the Digitisation process needs to be initiated to capture all indigenous knowledge available in the different communities of North Eastern Region ;
  • For accessing to E-Resources/ Web Resources Bandwidth should be increased and appropriate ICT infrastructure should be developed in the school, college, university, technical institutions, polytechnic institutions, public libraries should be developed to meet the changing needs of users demand for making citizenry conscious towards education for all and making them  100 % literate to take India as Knowledge Superpower by 2020.
  • Databases of Resources in local languages should be developed to meet the information needs of the indigenous population of different traditions and culture available in North Eastern States;
  • Manpower Training is essential to handle the modern computer based library and information services, therefore the regular User Awareness Programme/ Training for access to e-resources should be organised by CRL/ National Library/ INFLIBNET Centre and other professional bodies like IASLIC, ILA etc in collaboration with the university and institutional libraries.

With some suggestions all the recommendations were approved and accepted by the house for onward submission to the Funding Agency (Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India).



On behalf of the Organising Committee, I thankfully acknowledge the help, continuous encouragement and support from Prof. Tapodhir Bhattacharjee, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Assam University, Silchar , both P V C (STM) Prof. G.D. Sharma and PVC (HAD) Prof. Goutam Biswas , and other advisors  like Prof. G.P. Pandey and Prof. Gopalji Mishra for their valuable suggestions and guidance time to time for making this event a grand success.

The financial assistance provided by the Central Reference Library , Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India and Assam University , Silchar is thankfully acknowledged. The Contributions made by Dr. K. K. Koshukoshy, Librarian , CRL , Kolkata, Sri K K Deka and Sri Iqbal Ahmad from CRL, Kolkata, Dr. Mukut Sarmah from DLISc, Assam University, Silchar , all the rapporteurs and Dr. Madan Singh Rana , Rapporteur General , all the Chairman of the Technical Sessions, panellist , Chief Guests and Guests of Honour and all the media persons are thankfully acknowledged.

All the Advisors and members of the Organising Committee, Local Organising Sub-Committees deserve special thanks for their valuable contribution for making this event a grand success.

We extend our sincere thanks to Prof. Narendra Lahkar, Key Note Speaker, Sub-Theme paper presenters, contributed paper presenters , paper contributors, and other delegates for their timely support and their valuable presence in the seminar to make this event successful.

The help received from the Central Library, Administration, Finance, and Academic Section and other departments are thankfully acknowledged.

We are also thankful to our students, research scholars , faculty members, library And information professionals from Central Library and other College libraries for supporting us for making this event a grand success.

We also extend our thanks to by Dr. Raghvendra Mishra , Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication and his team. Sri Pranab Bhattacharjee, Sri Arindam Sarkar , Sri Kutub Uddin , Ms Charu Joshi, Ms Payal Das and students of Mass Communication and Department of Library and Information Science for their untiring efforts for the successful organisation of the seminar.

Ms Charu Joshi Research Scholar, Department of Mass Communication, AUS. For anchoring the Inaugural Programme deserve special thanks for anchoring the Inaugural  Function of the seminar.

Last but not the least on behalf of the Organising Committee, I acknowledge the help received form M/s Abhishek Printers, M/s S-Cube and M/s Chaitanya Press, all from Silchar is thankfully acknowledged for time publication of Souvenir-Cum-Abstract, Banners , Brochure, Certificates and other printing works in record time.

Compiled and Reported by

Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha,

Reader & Head of the Department , Department of Library and Information Science, Assam University, Silchar            &

Organising Secretary, National Seminar on Collection Development (NSCD-2011), Assam University, Silchar-788 011

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