Relativity of the perceptions's interpretation is an universal constraint which affect all recognitions, judgments, choices, …, decisions and actions
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Latest Activity: Aug 2, 2013
Relativity for physicists
A singular concept : spacetime, was born to beginning of the XXth century.
This expression gives evidence of the implication in the reality of an unspeakable : the time composed of durations these intervals which are not space but of transcendent order.
This one should have enabled recognition of a beyond the world, rich of post-mortem expectations ; but that has been inverse.
The atheistic materialism developed.
Space and time are nevertheless, among major stumbling-blocks of philosophers and theologians ; every year, dozens books are dedicated to them,
stumbling blocks because numerous problems are always without credible answers, notably :
- why and how, vacuums (for example, intervals between the words) and durations as silences, are they vectors of sense ?,
- what is the domain (space, field) of virtualities where are the potentialities ?, think to the universal forces recognized by the scientists,
- what can we say of the beyond the reality, expressed by abstraction's domain, where are elaborated the virtual imagings, the concepts, the ideas, ..., which are our references ?
Henceforth, scientists consider time and space as two interdependent entities, the space being for Einstein, a fact that we cannot represent.
More exactly, for the scientists, the spatial intervals (the physical spaces) and durations that constitute time, appear in interaction, when they are apprehended by an observer.
Consequently, when we discuss of the relativity's phenomenon, we must not forget the underlying question :
what is the creative entity, obviously of transcendent order, who apprehends ?
You conceive it easily, answer necessitate more than physico-mathematical formulas !
Nevertheless, what works have led to concept of space-time, and what is its meaning for the one who researchs the primordial causes ?
Michelson (1852, 1931) with famous experiments, showed that the photons's speed (the light's speed)), is the same in all the directions in spite of earth's rotation ; of this fact, Michelson concludes that the laws to add up speeds and to add up durations are specific.
At the same time, Lorentz (1853, 1928) who was analyzing phenomena's perception in two reference systems which move with different speeds, establishes basic equations which enabled Einstein (1879, 1955) to elaborate his special relativity theory and his general relativity theory.
Let's quote briefly their reasonings which reveal moreover, importance (influence) of the abstraction capacities when we want to "understand" world.
Nevertheless, one can "fly over" the mathematical equations which follow, without affecting the commentaries's comprehension that we shall do upon the relativity’s phenomenon, more exactly, upon the relative character of the perceptions and of their interpretations.
Lorentz's equations
Let's consider two entities E and E ' that move with speeds different.
Let's suppose, besides, that their system of reference : (x, y, z, t) and (x ', y', z ', t ') are such that the axis x coincides with the axis x '.
When an information vector of speed V (for example, a photon of the light) is moving within E, in a parallel direction to the axis x , it covers a distance : x = Vt ; thus x - Vt = 0.
In E ', if this vector has the same speed V, in a similar way we shall have: x ' = Vt ' and so, x ' - Vt ' = 0.
What has been Lorentz's reasoning ?
If the information vectors are the light’s constituents : the photons of speed c, postulated constant in space (299,792,458 m/s ), and if propagation of this light is according to positive direction of the axis x ,
V = c and the previous formulae become :
(1) x - ct = x' - ct' = 0 = (a + b) (x - ct) = ax + bx - act - bct.
On the other hand, if this propagation is developping in negative direction of the axis x :
(2) x + ct = x' + ct' = 0 = (a - b) (x + ct) = ax - bx + act – bct,
a and b being two constants which facilitate the calculations.
After adding of the equations (1) and (2) we obtain :
(5) x' = ax - bct,
and by subtraction :
(6) ct' = act - bx.
Thus, by construction and for the origin of the axis x', knowing that x' = 0 :
(7) ax = bct
So, if the origin of the axis x', has a speed v in relation to E, the axiss x and x ' being parallel, this relative speed of E’ in relation to E, expressed by means of the equation (7 ), will be such that :
(8) av = bc.
Then, for t' = 0 which corresponds to the instantaneousness in E', considering (8) and after elimination of t in the equations (5) and (6), it appears that :
and for two points of the axis x, distant of "d" :
According the previous equation x ' = ax - bct, when t = 0 in the instantaneousness,
x' will be equal to ax, and Δx associated to length’s perception "d" measured in E', a precise physical length, will be : Δx = d/a .
Obviously, this distance "d" is the same whatever is reference system, Δx is thus equal to Δx’ ; consequently :
And as : av = bc (8),
two expressions of the perceptions's interaction of a same phenomenon in two reference systems having a relative speed,
will be represented by the following equations : :
and (11)
said, Lorentz's transformation equations.
More exactly, length of a standard meter which has a speed v in the system E, in a parallel direction with the axis x, will not be for the motionless observer, of 1 metre but of :
In a similar way, the length measurement of a standard motionless meter by an observer who has a speed v, will depend on same relativity coefficient :
As for the durations (for the time),
speed, lapse of time and length "l" being united by the simple formula l = vt,
their measurement too, will depend of a relativity coefficient of same type.
So, the lapses of time punctuated by a clock which has a speed v, appear longer for a motionless observer, corrective coefficient being :
These equations were first expressions of the relative character of the light's perception.
Let's insist more, so much in research of primordial causes, rigour in speech is imperative.
More exactly, these expressions concern relative character of the perceptions's interpretation of light (of light-waves),
knowing that any interpretation necessitates transcendent order faculties,
notably faculties that enable recognitions, judgments, selections and theories.
Evidently, these equations fascinated the scientists, in particular, Henri Poincaré (1854 - 1912) ; he anticipated existence, probably the first, of a relation between energy, mass and light’s speed (cf. Conference of St Louis - U. S - in 1904).
Nevertheless, why A. Einstein has been the one who expressed a quintessence of Lorentz's works ?
He elaborated thus his special theory of relativity (published in November, 1905),
a theory rather easy for one who has a small mathematical culture.
Postulate of the special relativity, expressed by Einstein.
According to Einstein :
the energy E of a material point of mass m, is not expressed by equation : mv²/2 ,
but by : mc²/(1 - v²/c²)½ ,
or, when this expression is developed in series,
by : mc² + mv²/2 + m(3/8)(v²/c)² + ...
Third term of the series and those which follow are very small and can be neglected,
it remains :
- mc² which is representative of the intrinsic energy that characterizes a body of mass m, because mc² is independent of the speed v,
- and mv²/2, which is kinetic energy's equation used in classic mechanics.
Some comments
To the equation E = mc ², we prefer however the equation E ↔ Mc ² which is expressing better the passage of the state of potential physical energy to the state of materialized physical energy, and vice versa.
What can we say about E, this primordial energy, universal and without dimension, which, permanently, enables world's regeneration ?
Dark mass of the universe (dark energy), is it one of its expressions ?
Where is it ?
Equation E = mc² ignores too (and that concerns all speechs), creative entity, of transcendent order and master of the sense, who uses letters, figures, ..., and value references, and recognizes herself in the I (ego, subject, spirit).
Curiously these facts have not bothered the physicists, the philosophers and theologians !
As for time, it is not the fourth dimension of the universe because we can express it and exploit it with vectors "t", as easily enable from believing Lorentz's equations and special theory of relativity.
According to us, time is a means, transcendent and universal (a potentiality), which allows to integrate the universe's evolutions into rigorous chronologies ; when this potentiality is actualized (materialized by an operator, ourselves for example), it becomes a real and singular time (an appropriate time), more exactly, it becomes a group of durations, these intervals which are not space.
So, universal time has no dimension ; it has neither beginning nor end ; universal time has a different order (a different nature) of one which characterizes space and its links with the things are "implication links".
There is thus an infinite number of singular times and we recognize only those which emerge from consciousness state.
This understanding of the time allows to remove another major "mortgage" which affects the equations of Lorentz and Einstein : it is the limited speed of the light, in vacuum,
a limited speed that do not enable the comprehension of the instantaneous interactions between very remote quantum particles, (the experiments EPR and of Alain Aspect).
It is true that instantaneousness does not belong to reality ; nevertheless, let's remind that the instantaneousness "resides" in our abstraction domain where "cohabit" the past, the present moment and future.
The universal forces too, which are postulated as being in the things, are to potential state, in every point of the universe, in a transcendent domain associated with space that contains reality,
a domain which we named spacimplicatio because ignored of scientists, philosophers and theologians.
As for speed, it's not only a physical phenomenon as it is commonly said but above all, a concept which presupposes relations interpretation between lengths and durations.
We find again the rôle of the interpretation particularly of value’s references by means of faculties that are not at all of physical order as the energies and matter, but of transcendent order.
Thus, we understand better why, if we consider Lorentz's equations, a fact totally absurd, an uniform movement even of very weak amplitude, modifies length which characterizes an object ; what is modified is not length but perception's interpretation of the length, an important nuance !
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (published in 1915).
According to Einstein :
"… we wish to understand by “general principle of relativity” the following statement: All bodies of reference K, K', ...., are equivalent for description of the natural phenomena (formulation of general laws of the nature), whatever may be their state of motion. " (cf. Special and General Principle of Relativity).
So and logically,
- on one hand,
since acceleration of the gravity field does not depend of things's nature (of their constituents and their structural complexity), but of the force and mass according to Newton equation :
F = mý,
an equation which can be understood in two ways because inertia and weight are both "facets" of one of universal characters of any entity having a mass,
- or by considering the mass as inertia :
F = "representative mass of inertia" multiplied by "acceleration",
- or by considering the acceleration as inherent to the intensity of the gravity field :
F = " representative mass of weight " multiplied by "intensity of the gravity field",
- on the other hand,
because there is inexorably an attraction between mass entities (between all things), by means of universal forces of the gravity field,
forces expressed by equation F = mm’/d² , where "d" is distance which separates these entities,
Einstein concludes that particles of very small mass undergo this attraction and therefore, that light's rays (the photons) which propagate in cosmic space, have a modified trajectory by the celestial bodies,
and in particular that it results from it a displacement of the light's spectrum from the great stars.
Numerous experiences, more and more precise, have confirmed this theory; one of the first ones in 1919, showed that curvature of light's rays passing near sun is 1,75 arc-second.
Nevertheless, it has been only in February / March 1960 that Robert Pound and Glen Rebka observed in a laboratory, movement towards the red of the light's spectre when this one is subjected to a gravitational field.
Obviously, integration of the gravitation phenomenon into relativity's theories, more exactly, the integration of the gravitation phenomenon into geometrical representation of the cosmic trajectories, is rich of information for the philosophers and theologians.
This fact gives evidence, in a singular way, of permanent interactions between reality and the mysterious "beyond" the forces, between reality and "realm" of the potentialities.
According to general theory of relativity a traveler moving himself straightly in space, would return to his point of departure, after an universe tour ; the spacetime proposed by Einstein is therefore, finished and without internal border.
But today, we know that there are in the universe, a very large number of black holes, limited with a border, which are "swallowing" several millions stars ; in particular the black hole M33X - 7 situated in the galaxy M33 approximately to 3 million light-years of our sun and observed by means of the spatial telescope "Chandra" and of the telescope "Gemini" (at the top of the Mauna Kea to Hawaï).
"Expression" of the time's implication in space, elaborated by Einstein, can be applied only in spatial contexts, precise and limited.
It led nevertheless to development of numerous non-Euclidean geometries.
Let's remind that Euclidean geometry, the first one imagined by man, is based on postulates (more exactly on 23 definitions, 8 common notions and 5 postulates), expressed by Euclid (-325 ?, -265 ?).
Who is ignoring his most famous axiom ?:
by a precise point, we can draw only one parallel to a straight line (or, two points can be united by an only straight line).
Among the "non-Euclidean spaces" which "furnish" abstraction domain of the mathematicians and physicists, we shall quote the spherical space, elliptic space and hyperbolic space.
Nevertheless, in a research of the primordial causes, that's not important that the space is curved or not ; these theories mask the main points, in particular the world's substratum.
What is this domain without shape and without dimension where is most elementary state of the energies ?,
this eternal "beyond" whence reality emerges.
As for time, can we believe, as Minkowski (1864, 1909) who has had Einstein as pupil, that it’s the fourth dimension of the space ?
No, we said it previously ; to judge it more, let's quote the Minkowski reasoning, very subtle but also very ambiguous.
Minkowski’s Four-Dimensional Space
If in Lorentz’s equations we recognize time, more exactly, the durations, as virtualities by substituting symbol "t" by imaginary expression : ct (-1)½ ,
with x1 = x, x2 = y, x3 = z, x4 = ct (-1)½ ,
we notice that expression x4 of an imaginary time, satisfies these equations.
Therefore, phenomena’s dynamics can be followed, partially, by means of four coordinates, three for space : x, y, z, and one for the time "t".
But then, how this expression of the durations, which escapes to classic logics : (-1)½ has no correspondence in the reality,
can it enable understanding of the universal dynamics ?
There too, in research of the primordial causes, we feel importance of the time's understanding.
So, Einstein's comments are not sufficient :
" … before advent of the relativity's theory, with regard to the space coordinates, time was playing a rôle, different and more independent. That is for this reason that we have took habit from treating time as an independent continuum. Indeed, according to classical mechanics, time is absolute, i.e. , time is independent of the position of reference's system and of its motion … With relativity's theory, the conception of the four-dimensional world become quite natural, because, according to this theory, the time has lost its independence." (cf. Relativity : The Special and General Theory - Minkowski’s Four-Dimensional Space).
Certainly time can be considered as a continuum but it is a continuum of transcendent order.
We repeat, as durations are not spatial intervals, time can be only of transcendent order.
As for time's dependence, i.e. durations association with reality, that’s expression of implication’s links, transcendent, which enable to creative entity who manages world, from integrating universal dynamics into rigorous chronologies.
Moreover, logics which enable coherence of the concepts, of value's references, ideas, theories, of virtual representations of the reality, …, and which are associated with our abstraction faculties are, too, expressions of transcendent links (it’s an original definition which has never been object of philosophical development).
Observe too that Minkowski's proposition of a four dimensional universe and that spacetime Einstein's concept, are founded on a totally erroneous postulate,
the one of an universe governed by laws the number of which is limited, even governed by an unique law according to principle of logical simplicity.
The universal laws cannot recognize, judge, choose, …, decide, … ; the universal laws are not "operators".
Nevertheless, it's true, the relativity does not concern only the scientists !
General Relativity for philosophers and theologians
The scientific experiments have to be servants of the philosophy and theology,
but, in a research of primordial causes, it is necessary to get out of the monism which characterizes current interpretation of these experiments.
Aristotle would not contradict us.
Preliminary observations
As Lorentz's works reveal it, for an observer situated to a constant distance of the sun, twinkles of two broadcasting stations of photons piloted by two clocks strictly the same, the one situated on sun, the other one on earth, seem non simultaneous and it, because of the relative speed "earth - sun".
More exactly, this non-simultaneity is resulting of the interpretation of the respective perceptions,
an interpretation which necessitates evidently, transcendent order faculties.
But the philosophers and theologians seem to ignore this essential fact.
Another observation, when it is said :
"Fundamental property of the gravitational field is from transmitting to all bodies a same acceleration … ; if in a domain there is of the matter, only its inert mass, and so, only its energy is important in its production action of a field …" (cf. Relativity: The Special and General Theory – The solution of the Problem of Gravitation on the Basis of the General Principle of Relativity),
know that gravitational field does not transmit acceleration, it enables from transmitting to all bodies a same acceleration,
know that inert mass does not produce a field, but that a gravitational field is inexorably associated to the matter ,
what is very different.
In particular, gravitational field can be considered as expression, more exactly as conceptualization of a potential medium which enables coherence of the universal dynamics.
As a consequence, what is omnipresent realm of this potential medium, more generally of the forces and potentialities ?
A beyond the reality ?
We believe it ; according to us, it’s the implication domain of the Divine in the world that we named spacimplicatio.
Let us remember intuition of saint Denis :
"There is a nature who does not possess the being like other things, but who embraces and contains in herself very simply, and without any circumscription, all essence of the being, and in whom all things are contained as in a primordial and universal cause." (cf. Quoted by R. Descartes – Divine name - Metaphysical Meditations, first objections).
Today, objective of physicists is to unify the numerous concepts and theories, more and more esoteric, which feed relativist physics, quantum physics and cosmology.
However, even if they were succeeding in their work, we doubt of this, they would only unify theories,
of theories which necessitate, among other things, a creative entity for establishing them and judging them
So, they would ignore the "essential facts".
They would ignore for example, timelessness, what does not have dimension as universal energy, ..., and the spiritual powers who although they necessitate physical structures for becoming realities (to express himself), nevertheless are of transcendent order.
Therefore let's go beyond the scientific monism,
and integrating partly, Einstein's theories,
let's show why our perceptions's interpretation of the reality, is affected by relativity.
We judge the states of the reality by means of faculties which enable perceptions interpretation that we have of the things and events, thus the sea is quiet or agitated, an object seems to us light or heavy, big or small, such matter has more energy useful than an another, the fuel oil is more calorific than the wood, …
We are thus able from differentiating the energies between them and from estimating their interactions.
For example, we appreciate the impact of the thermic energy by comparing the temperatures ; such thing is then recognized warmer or colder, the "vector" of more or less of thermic energy.
It's the same for all the abstract characters which singularize the images, the concepts, the ideas, the feelings, …, that "furnish" abstraction's domain .
These interpretations presuppose therefore comparison of value’s references which can be estimated or measured only in relation to their negation ; that’s an inexorable fact of relative character which help to understand better, importance of the contrary, importance of the negative.
So, discontinuities and singularities of the things are expressed by multiple associations : "slow-fast", "negative-positive", …,"simple-complex ", " strong-weak", ...
On the other hand, these "bipoles", as we name them, are adapted to the complexity level of the beings.
Plants do not they react against the "light - obscurity", …, "warm - cold" ?,
evolved animals do not they recognize the healthy or harmful food, …, the good or bad master ?
With man, another subtle bipoles astonish more.
How not to be surprised that we appreciate :
the freedom and constraint, the good and evil, the happiness and misfortune, the justice and injustice, the tolerance and intolerance, the honor and dishonor, the responsibility and irresponsibility, …,
and it, having no knowledge of the real world's nature,
and it, ignoring the primordial causes at origin of the things and beings ?
Another essential fact too, the moral values are interdependent ; thus, to the love we have to associate tolerance, justice, courage, ...,, and vice versa.
Having meditated on these diverse facts and contrary to what is said, at the present time,
henceforth we are convinced that innate information which emerge from consciousness state, as the value’s bipoles which are their singular expressions, in particular the bipoles of moral values, are not "born" from lived experiences.
This information have universal roots, although that disturbs humanists who recognize them only in man, or who imagine them inherent to Nature !
To this innate information is also associated imprescriptible presentiment of "abstract directions" :
towards more truth, kindness, justice, love, ..., and on the contrary, towards less truth, …
This fact leads evidently, to another interrogation :
why are we conscious of these abstract directions ?
Absolute of the relativity (of what is relative) these "auras" that light our choices and decisions,
are not they correlative of an imperious, primordial and universal necessity from creating ceaselessly, in a most coherent way ?
Do not they also testify to an implication of the man in world's dynamics ?
Respect universally recognized of privileged directions at any structural level of the energies and matter, never has been object of serious and credible analysiss by the philosophers and theologians.
And however, the immutable direction of the forces :
- centrifugal, centripetal, gravitational,
- strong nuclear force which enables welding, within the atomic nuclei, of the massive particles,
- weak nuclear force which concerns radioactivity,
- electromagnetic force which enables mutual rejection of particles of same electric polarity (and inversely, mutual attraction),
are showing recognition and use of the "sense" in inert matter.
But, reality’s states must be "polarized" !
It is true that for intelligentsia, still today, they are some laws which govern universe, as if these laws had faculties which enable recognitions, judgments, choices, ..., decisions and acts,
a fatal error of the understanding that we point out ceaselessly.
More precisely, sense's respect requires permanent use of value’s references, of relative and universal character,
and it, in an univocal way.
So and,
seeing that world's dynamics is coherent and takes place according to rigorous chronologies,
seeing that beings have similar behaviors,
we postulate "realism" of a "cosmic symbiosis" and existence of universal value references,
of the value references that imply, naturally, of polarized marks which enable recognition of specificities of the matter and energies.
That is why, as we said previously, some of these polarized marks emerge from consciousness state, and are the "abstract compasses" (the virtual bipoles) of which we have presentiment :
"positive - negative", "light - heavy", "slow - rapid", ..., "good - evil".
These extremely subtle compasses are therefore singularized by three remarkable properties :
- evidently their relative character,
- the interactive character of their components (their non-separability) ; thus, nobody can speak about "positive" by ignoring "negative ", of "light" without thinking "heavy", …, and of "good" without having "evil" present in mind,
- their transcendent character because they are "abstract".
They are besides, expressions of "actualized truths " (truths which are materialized to become realities) which have a "realism" much more refined and essential that the "truths a priori" of Kant.
For example, in everything being, of value references are constantly "used" in order to enable appreciating of the :
- "present - past - future" because body's evolutions are integrated into precise chronologies, common to species,
- "low - high", "right - left", "front and rear", because extremely complex molecules, synthetized within the cells, are structured in space,
- "I - non I (other)", "useful - harmful", …,
without to forget : "more of ... - less of ...", more complexity, more capacity, more efficiency, …, because that is necessary for anticipating future and perpetuate life's phenomenon.
Also, let's quote the biological ferromagnetism which shows importance of the comparison and thus, of the relativity.
It enables notably to carrier-pigeons to orientate themselves during their migrations by means of permanent "tunings" between electromagnetic waves : the ones of their ferromagnetic bipoles and the waves of the terrestrial electromagnetic field (in man there is a ferromagnetism in the eyebrows, neck, lumbar region, the knees and heels).
What is creative entity who compares these waves and has to do these tunings which are made possible by terrestrial symbiosis, more exactly, by cosmical symbiosis about which we spoke previously ?
We are not to epoch when Aristotle was writing in good faith :
"we have to notice that any virtue, for the thing of which it is virtue, has for effect of putting this thing in good condition for doing well its work : thus, eye's virtue makes the eye and its function perfect because that's by this virtue that vision is made in us, as that's necessary. In the same way, the horse's virtue makes a horse perfect in himself, good for the run and able of carrying his rider to face enemy. " (cf. Ethics to Nicomaque).
Universal dynamics does not depend on auto-organizational power of the matter, but necessitates of ceaseless creations which presuppose permanent physical activities and permanent transcendent activities.
We live so, in a cyberworld, for ever unfinished, which is managed by an entity of divine character,
a creative entity the man of which is, according to us, most elaborated work.
Cogito ergo mundus vivit (I think therefore world is living).
Paul Moyne
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Paul Moyne
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