Our spiritual life takes place in a transcendent and eternal domain in which, after death, our spiritual identity is transfigured
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Death, the Post-mortem life, the Eternal Life
The death concerns any reality's state : the galaxies, stars, planets, phylums of species, evolved beings,rudimentary beings, healthy cells, tumoral cells....
Must we believe that death destroy all ?
We do not think.
But then, concerning man, can we believe Nietzsche sensitive to repetitive character of the cyclic phenomena ? :
"The biggest weight. What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you in your loneliest loneliness and say to you: "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more ; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or big in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence, even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust !" (The Gay Science - Book IV, 341).
According to us, no ; implication dualism that we propound, leads nevertheless to several essential interrogations as for perpetuation ( future) post-mortem of transcendent activities which characterize spiritual identity of the beings, in particular, those which characterize spiritual life of the man.
Let's reconsider death, more exactly the death's phenomenon to light of the recent scientific headways, and meditate first of all, on variety of the life expectancy.
Thus, life expectancy of certain insects is counted with days, while that of a ants queen can attain thirty years,
a mouse lives approximately two years, a bat thirty,
the life expectancy of very numerous plants is counted with months, for cedars of Lebanon with centuries,
some rudimentary beings who are sleeping during millions of years can be reanimated.
Besides, why our balances of life are not constantly perturbed when every day,
our cells are divided into halves (millions compared to several hundreds of billions of our body),
when per second, thousands cells die,
and when without cease, billions particles are leaving body and are immediately replaced ?
So we depend on sacrificial phenomena and we are permanently, reconstructed,
even, we cannot live without being ceaselessly, reconstructed because we suffer inexorable constraint of the ageing.
Concerning this facts, let us describe two processes trivialized by the biologists, but which are rich of philosophic and theological information.
When after fertilization, future man is composed only of about a thousand agglutinated cells, in a sudden way, some of these cells die and disappear, although still healthy.
Free spaces thus produced, notably space situated in center of this agglomerate, enable then the first cellular migrations necessary to continuation of the gestation process.
Another remarkable fact, the important disappearance of healthy cells during the embryo's development by means of biological processes organizations memorised on the (sexual) chromosomes X and Y.
More exactly, at a certain key stage of the embryo's development, there is,
- or actualization of processes organizations with deadly effects (materializations to become realities) memorized on father’s chromosome (Y), and it leads to disappearance of the feminine genital system,
- or actualization of processes organizations with deadly effects memorized on mother’s chromosomes (X), and it entails the disappearance of the male genitalia.
Thus and more generally, in every being, healthy cells are put to death not because of their incapacity to survive but because their rôle ( their specialization) became useless.
Curiously the biologists, the philosophers and theologians have not recognized the importance of these essential facts.
Indeed, these executions by means of processes organizations with deadly effects, are necessitating memorization, diffusion and utilization of information by a creative entity who is master of the "sense",
and this, for an objective obviously correlative of a primordial intention.
Let's "consolidate" our speech.
biologists commentate at the present time, singular enzymes behavior which, according to their opinion, after to have recognized a molecular mark on certain cells's proteins, settle in it and divide them,
and, when it is a protein of the nucleus's envelope, leads to fragmentation of this one and thus, to death of the cell (it is apoptosis process).
In a research of primordial causes, can we satisfy us of this scientifical analysis ?
Certainly not because these singular enzymes and these proteins participate of an evolutive actualization (materialization to become realities) memorized at genetic level,
in other words, are participating of actualizations according to rigorous chronologies common to species, even to life's phenomenon, of genetic potentialities,
what necessitates the permanent taking into consideration of value’s references, in particular of durations (of lapses of time), these intervals which, because they are not of the space, are therefore of transcendent order (transcendent nature, transcendent essence).
Thus and doubtless henceforth, development of the life’s phenomenon presupposes partial mastery of the death and its use.
Let's insist more.
Of course, death of cells can result of important variations of the physical balances of the environment or biophysical of the body , but also, according to recent works, on account of abnormal oscillations of these balances,
what implies, there too, evidently :
- the perception of these variations and oscillations,
- the interpretation of these perceptions by means of value’s references (of antonyms),
- the elaboration and diffusion of processes organizations with deadly effects by means of the electromagnetic waves which are the primordial vectors of the sense.
So, it’s reasonable to think that some beings have an immunizing system which enables elaboration of processes organizations with deadly effects, and it, by referring to lived experiences memorized to genetic level.
You noted it, we speak about immunizing system which enables elaboration of processes organizations … and not of immunizing system which does it, for not to ignore creative entity of transcendent order, master of the "sense", who conceives them and uses them.
These deadly processes organizations therefore enable cells’s elimination which cannot any more play their part or which are not sufficiently efficient ; it's the same for majority of the cells which escape accidentally from organ to which they belong or which acquired too much independence.
Let's consider besides, the beings as the vegetables which have not an immunizing system as the ours, or as that of the mammals, birds and fishes,
in particular, which have not T-lymphocytes, these protective cells, fruits of ceaseless researchs for immunization, which exist since only 400 million years.
When vegetables are "attacked", some characters of their aggressors (the signatures of the viruses, bacteria and parasites as biologists say ), are recognized and compared with these of lived experiences memorized at the genetic level,
then several strategies are elaborated and used, notably the one which enables the premature annihilation of infected cells, even, of cells which can be infected (it's a firebreak strategy).
So, "decision" to sacrifice healthy cells, to pursue individual’s development and the species’s perpetuation, obviously shows that process of cells destruction (killing) by means of specific "orders" with deadly effects, is sometimes a vital process, an imperative process.
Ageing's phenomenon is also, rich in information.
For example, the ageing shows that it is impossible to do to infinity and exactly, copies of the genetic information when there is cells's renewal (when there is DNA's replication).
It is therefore a universal and inexorable constraint which leads to progressive loss of control of the genetic heritage.
This constraint has been moreover, to origin of the male cells and female cells.
Indeed, there is a long time, of the cells have not been able to contain all genetic information and the processes organizations which was necessary for pursuing their complexification, and thus, were divided into halves.
Death and the ageing thus express the sacrificial character of the universal dynamics ; of this fact they cannot be transgressed, and if it was not as this the world would be "petrified" for ever.
Besides, knowing that we evolve (that we are) in a cyber-world which is managed by a creative entity of transcendent order,
a divine entity who nevertheless needs very complex centers (poles) for her processes organizations and information ,
we consider that the life’s phenomenon and naturally the human being are a universal necessity.
But according to us, man is not "prisoner" of a process as some people say ; he plays, by a divine delegation of powers and paradoxically without really knowing, an essential part in universal dynamics,
an understanding which we express gladly by the interrogation :
is not the man a divine necessity rather than a God's specific project on earth ?,
a very remote understanding from current exegesises of the biblical tradition :
"From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.” (Cf. Genesis 2, 16 – 17).
So, if there is a post-mortem life, we believe it, this one can be only of spiritual order, of transcendent order, in one beyond the sensitive reality (in one beyond the space).
That is why life after the death implies not at all the body's presence,
post-mortem life does not presuppose the resurrection.
Historical abstract.
Presentiment of a life after death is probably also ancient that the notion of beyond.
It is very difficult from dating their origin because the "expressions" of these presentiments, by behaviors and religious rites, have evolved during millenniums,
and according to the enrichment of the man's abstraction domain (of the man's psyche).
Significant rite giving evidence of a post-mortem life belief has been, without any doubt, the mummification.
If we consider the "mummy" of a black young child, discovered in South Libyan, this preparation of bodies has been practised by Saharan tribes, about 5.500 years ago.
However, it's in ancient Egypt that it "bloomed",
country where death was recognized as a ford which enables from reaching a singular life, with a condition however : to preserve, to the best, body,
country where death was even sometimes imagined as a creative god :
"Funeral papyrus of a priestess of Amon of XXI th Dynasty contains numerous interesting scenes ; one of these is relatively exceptional ; on a bottom of stars, there is a snake with wings, two pairs of legs, his body is ending by a bearded human head, and on the other side, by a jackal head. A legend says to us :
it is death, the great god who created the gods and men." (Cf. The Gods of Egypt - E. Hornung).
But in these time, was the egyptians believing to resurrection ? !
Actually belief to deaths’s resurrection came later ; with the Jews, about 160 years before J.C..,
after a God intervention ?, Himself ?
Certainly no.
Let us dare to say it and repeat it,
revealed truths were not said by God Himself, but by divine entity who animates all men and who expressed Herself by mouth of charismatic and interrogative persons.
Moreover, impartially, most of these truths are "epoch truths" which have enabled to writers of the Bible (in particular to Josias) to promote the first social rules and theological rules destined to some semitic tribes (groups of nomads).
Belief that we can resurrect, has been thus, expression of new logics according to which divine rewards, necessarily, must include body's enjoyments (nowadays, this remark is valid for majority of the monotheists).
For the Moslems, impressed by the biblical tradition, resurrection is sometimes a new creation :
"And if thou wonderest, then wondrous is their saying : When we are dust , are we then forsooth ( to be raised ) in a new creation ? …"(Cf. Koran – surat XIII, 5),
a new creation which enable from living eternally, a gilded existence :
" And give glad tidings ( O Muhammad ) unto those who believe and do good works ; that theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow ; as often as they are regaled with food of the fruit thereof , they say : This is what was given us aforetime ; and it is given to them in resemblance . There for them are pure companions ; there for ever they abide …" (Cf. Koran – surat II, 25),
" In gardens of delight ; a multitude of those of old and a few of those of later time. On lined couches ; reclining therein face to face ; there wait on them immortal youths ; with bowls and ewers and a cup from a pure spring ; wherefrom they get no aching of the head nor any madness, and fruit that they prefer, and flesh of fowls that they desire. And (there are) fair ones with wide, lovely eyes ; llke unto hidden pearls …" (Cf. Koran – surats XXXXXVI, 12 to 23).
Let's consider again, Jewish tradition.
According to Bible, Yahvé has pushed Adam away from paradise, predicted to Eve childbirth in the pain, required that Abraham immolates his unique son, banished descendants, annihilated of the cities as Sodom and Gomorrah, punished the enemies of his people (let's remind the ten plagues of Egypt), ...
For the divine punishments and divine rewards, body's presence was necessary.
Besides, as all beliefs, Hebraic belief in a post-mortem life has had a long period of maturation, correlative to evolution of Jews's psyche, in particular, to growing of their abstraction capacities.
This life was imagined first as a "diminished" life under ground ; after, when was written the second book of the Maccabees (124 BC), was associated to it, belief to body's resurrection :
"… but the King of the world will raise us up, who die for his laws, in the resurrection of eternal life." (Cf. Bible - 2 M. 7, 9).
Let's quote also Ezekiel :
"Therefore prophesy and say to them : 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says : O my people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them ; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them ; will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord." (Cf. Bible - Ez - 37, 12-13-14),
and Book of Job :
"And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God." (Cf. Bible - Job - 19, 26).
Afterward, belief to body’s resurrection will take root more and more profoundly in Jewish mysticism , and will become, with Daniel's book probably written in contemporary period of Jesus Christ, an imprescriptible truth :
"... But at that time your people, everyone whose name is found written in the book, will be delivered. ultitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake : some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt." (Cf. Bible - Daniel - 12, 1 and 2).
Where was taking place this eternal life ?
This place was recognized similar to palaces and extraordinary gardens which existed in several cities of the Middle East five centuries BC :
"You were in Eden, the garden of God ; every precious stone adorned you : ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl.Your settings and mountings were made of gold ; on the day you were created they were prepared." (Cf. Bible - Ezekiel - 28,13).
Among these palaces and gardens there were those of Pasagardes built by Cyrus II (- 560, - 530), this great king who released the Jews deported in Babylon,
and those which were built to Persépolis by Darius (- 522, - 486).
Greeks had moreover knowledge of these idyllic places and Xenophon (-430, - 355), follower of Socrates, spoke about it using term paradeisos (inspired of the Iranian word : pairidaeza).
On the other hand, in Far East, Buddhists will imagine post-mortem life, the eternal life, the nirvâna, more exactly : the parinirvâna, as a state of non-breath, of non-being,.
What can we say with regard to Paul's letter, today ? :
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the rump of God ; and the dead in Christ shall rise first ; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." (Cf. 1 Thessalonians 4, 16-18),
because, nowadays, even the Christian theologians seem rather sceptical, regrettably, without being able to say it clearly :
"The experience of past ages, the progress of the sciences, and the treasures hidden in the various forms of human culture, by all of which the nature of man himself is more clearly revealed and new roads to truth are opened, these profit the Church, too. For, from the beginning of her history she has learned to express the message of Christ with the help of the ideas and terminology of various philosophers, and has tried to clarify it with their wisdom, too. Her purpose has been to adapt the Gospel to the grasp of all as well as to the needs of the learned, insofar as such was appropriate." (Cf. Vatican II - The rôle of the Church in the modern world - Chapter IV, 44).
Let’s dare to assert it, in this beginning of third millennium, objective man who does not reject transcendent order (spiritual state), cannot believe any more to paradise, or to the hell, lived after resurrection of the body , and it is hardly useful to discuss "realism" of this faith by using exegeses.
The universal dynamics presupposes births and deaths ceaseless ; thus, we are evolving in a world of sacrificial character and it’s why , it’s impossible that only, the man's body can escape from this inexorable constraint and to resurrect.
To believe it is necessary to reason, and vice versa ; in other words : there is no faith without reason, and no reason without faith !
Besides, if we take into consideration that,
- permanent implication of a transcendent creative entity in the world, makes of this one an eternal reality,
- number of planets in the cosmos is superior to 10 power 23,
- life phenomenon is a universal potentiality,
we can consider reasonably that beings, developed as we are, existed, are existing , will exist in the world.
Henceforth the spirituality's understanding (spiritual activities) necessitates thus, new paradigms.
For exemple, our spiritual life which is attested by the potentialities and virtualities (concepts, ideas, anticipations, …) that are in the abstraction's domain, shows that during existence we have, of course, a "foot" in space, but also a foot in the timeless, in the eternity ; let us remember that in the abstraction's domaine "cohabit" the past experiences, judged in present moment so as to live and anticipate.
Consequently, for the modern mystic there is no body's resurrection because due to spiritual life, curiously little highlighted by the theologians, we already evolve, we already are in one beyond the world of transcendent order.
To be conscious of our spiritual life, does also that we recognize our spiritual identity, the soul, as being the purely conventional receptacle of transcendent activities which characterize us,
some of this activities being necessary for universe's management.
Thus, life's sense it's more that conscious acts, even more that exceptional conscious acts !
That's why man is not a specific creature which is only intended for contemplation and adoration of God.
As for modern understanding of the potentialities (of what is to potential state), it presupposes also, the realism of the beyond the world, transcendent, of which we were talking and where are memorized for ever, the myriads of information and of processes organizations which enable from conducting reality's dynamics ; let us remember that these potentialities, after their actualization (their materialization to become reality), sometimes can be represented by laws and principles.
Curiously this beyond, such as we define it, has never been object of recognition and debates on behalf of philosophers and theologians; so, we had to specify it by adopting the word : spacimplicatio,
word resulting from contraction of the Latin words, spatium which means space, and implicatio which qualifies intervention of a creative entity.
Far from us therefore, idea according to which spiritual identity, the soul, ceaselessly is reincarnating herself .
Let’s repeat, spiritual identity, the soul, is not an operator who can animate beings and things ; it is only the theoretical receptacle of the transcendent activities, which enable from singularizing the men and from managing the universe.
Of this fact, the existence's finality is not that we attain perfection by means of successive reincarnations to the example of the Hindus's karma, but is that we were participating, modestly of course, to implication of a divine creative entity in the world.
Nevertheless, according to us, after the death and without any resurrection, some characters of the spiritual life that we have had on earth, will be transfigured in the Divine, for ever.
More exactly, we consider that after our death, our spiritual identity, our soul, will remain, for ever, "impressed" by some happy and unfortunate lived experiences, "modulated" according to a subtle process taking into consideration our responsibility.
God will not judge us, divine entity (the Divine) who recognizes herself in the I (me, ego, spirit), will be the only judge !
Our good and bad actions, our great happinesss and our turpitudes, will be then our sky and our hell.
Certainly, you are perplexed in front of such a speech.
It is true, problems of the life's sense and of the existence or not, of a post-mortem life (life after death), are the major stumbling-blocks of philosophers and theologians.
And however,
is it reasonable to believe that we reached exceptional level of world's intelligence which characterizes us, only so that during some micro-moments in the eternal universe's history, we were colonizing the earth and improving our conditions of material life ?
No of course.
Leibniz had the presentiment that "nothing is without reason" (nihil est sine ratione) and Spinoza was talking of " intelligence of the necessity".
Today too,
"In the face of these immense efforts which already preoccupy the whole human race, men agitate numerous questions among themselves. What is the meaning and value of this feverish activity ? How should all these things be used ? To the achievement of what goal are the strivings of individuals and societies heading ? The Church guards the heritage of God's word and draws from it moral and religious principles without always having at hand the solution to particular problems." (Cf. Vatican II - The Church in the modern world - Chapter III, 33).
Is not it also absurd to think that universe exists, eternally and in its immensity, only so that some dozens billion men, on only earth, have had possibility to recognize and worship God, even, from dying for Him ?
Because of ceaseless creative activities which take place in extreme depths of our cells, in quantum domain which founds reality, is not it more reasonable to believe that we participate to management of universal dynamics ?
And with regard to the perenniality after death, of some characters of our spiritual identity, let us remember Plato sensitive to world of the ideas and eternal forms.
Regrettably, although resumed and developed by a profound and exceptional mystic: Plotinus, his (this) opening on "transcendency" and "eternity", has been quickly forsaken ; the monotheism's theologians contented themselves from giving a sacred character to some simple stories which were transmitted from generation to generation and quoted by bible : stories of Adam, Eve and paradise, …, Moses saved from the waters …
Let's take again therefore fearlessly, neo-platonic torch (of Plotinus) for wondering without systematic rejects :
our spiritual identity, our soul, is not it receptacle of experiences memorized for ever because necessary to the divine creative entity (to the Divine) who, eternally, "leads" world ?
We are convinced of it and consequently we believe in one spiritual life after death (to post-mortem life).
On the other hand, certainly "deification" of the man comes from God,
God that we postulate out of necessity and of whom we know nothing,
but then,
what can we say about the "Divine" who in us, must work to know and research to know more, and thus, who is paradoxically not omnipotent ?,
what is "finality" ?
Vast program for theologians of the third millennium !
Paul Moyne
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Paul Moyne
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