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Potentialities ...

The potentialities, an unsubstantial and mysterious world which remains unexplored, and even ignored by the philosophers and theologians, why ?

Location: Lyon
Members: 1
Latest Activity: Aug 2, 2013

Potentialities : physical, biological, brain potentialities ...

Potentialities :
physical, biological, brain potentialities …

The spaces that we consider empty, as spatial intervals which separate the objects, are nevertheless filled of information and potentialities as the universal forces,
information and potentialities of transcendent order, which are so vectors of the divine world's nobility.

In particular, at elementary level of the beings, there are ceaseless anticipations (previsions for the future) ; the biological reactivities, for example by means of the immunization process, give evidence of it in a obvious way.
Correlatively, multiple processes organizations with biological effects, multiple processes organizations with behavioral effects, even with deadly effects, are constantly diffused in the whole body, without change of "sense" during their transmission (notably when they cross cells's envelope).

These facts, what do they presuppose ?


When the world's knowledges were very elementary, Plato conscious of the potential state of things, already wondered where is the reality in itself (we have a representation of the reality but we do not know the "potential reality") :

"Parmenides : Because, Socrates, I imagine that you and any person, who say that there is of every thing a reality in itself, would admit, at first, that none of these realities is in our world.
Socrates : indeed, a "reality in itself", how could it be in our world ?" (Cf. Plato - Parmenides, 133c).

Some centuries later, Plotinus has been, too, sensitive to potential state of the things before their actualization (let's remind that by "actualization" we understand materialization to become realities : materialization of the potential state to real state, of the timeless state to temporal state, of the unitary state to fractal state).
He wondered, for example :

- "The world up, does it contain all the things which are " here down " ?
Is not it possible to say that world up, is containing all things which are produced by a formal reason (logos) and according to a specific shape ? ...
But if it contains fire, it also contains water, it also contains, finally, plants.
Therefore the plants, how are they up ?
And fire of here down, how does it live ?
And earth of here down, how does it live ?
Because, or they live, or, being deprived of life, they will be nevertheless up, and so, it would be necessary to say, in this last case, that it is not true that all world up, is alive. " (Cf. Treatise 38 - 11, 5),

- "Do animals preexist in the spirit ?
But horse and other animals, how can they be really present up ?
How not to be obliged from saying that to produce them, God was to look towards the things here down ?
But then, if so that there is here down a horse or some other animal, God had invented the notion of horse ?
Nevertheless, how would it be possible that, wanting to make a horse, he imagined the notion of horse ?
Because, it is evident, if he wanted exactly a horse, it was necessary that the notion of horse already was existing. So, it was not possible that he imagine notion of horse for producing horse, but it was necessary, at first, that one horse not planned to be, exists, before the one who would be produced, later, after that.
If therefore horse was preexisting before he becomes reality and if it was not imagined before to be after produced, it is not because he looked towards the things here down that the one who possessed in him this spiritual Horse, had it in him and it is not because he had intention to produce the things here down that he had in him this spiritual Horse and other animals, but animals preexisted in him and here down animals inevitably came to continuation …
Indeed who could stop such a power who can be, at the same moment, in himself and out of himself ? " (cf. Treatise 38 - 8, 4 - 10).

Today, we can, and we must interrogate us more,
before its existence, before its perceptible state, how is reality ?
Sketched ? :
"Indeed, what does prevent the power of the Whole's Soul, because it is a reason (logos) which is all things, from making a first sketch of the animal forms and that the souls’s powers are reaching until these forms, this pre-sketch being, in a manner, a group of illuminations thrown, as a precursor, over matter ?
Then, the soul the rôle of which is finish of this sketch, has only to follow these pre-sketchs and to cut them according to their parts : so, every soul produces and becomes, herself, the part towards which her went …" (cf. Treatise 38 - 7, 10).

Without seeing in soul an operator as has imagined it Plotinus (soul is only a representative concept of the beings's spiritual identity), we believe nevertheless to "realism" (to existence) of a timeless domain where are potentialities that prefigure reality.
Unknown of philosophers and theologians, we have named this transcendent domain : spacimplicatio, designating so, the implication space of a divine creative entity in the world.
Because, evidently, it’s not some laws and principles which manage, lead, animate universe !

The writing appeared for the first time, it is said to us, on clay tablets about 5000 years ago, in oldest Mesopotamia, in towns of Uruk and Kish.
Whatever epoch has been 6, 7, 8000 years, whatever place has been, in Mesopotamia, in Indus valley, in Egypt, this written formalization (this written representation) of concepts, this particular capacity is mysterious.
What can we say of it ?

Certainly, we can believe that appearance of the writing has depended on commercial activities development ; nevertheless, was this fact a primordial cause ?
The needs to exchange more easily goods have been objective causes (visible causes), secondary of the philosophic view point.
Indeed, if the concerned men had not had the adequate abstraction capacities (the brain potentialities), never they would have been able to write and count.

Let's us remember too, that other civilizations that evolved in Meso-America, civilizations descending from very old Indo-European migrations (between 80.000 and 20.000 years before J.C ?) was able to count, for example by means of knots on ropes.

It’s the same for language ; under all its forms, this one express actualization (materialization to become realities) of potential means which enable sense's diffusion,
potential means (brain potentialities) which have been developed constantly during human history, and are still developed.

In other words, the language, the writing and possibility to count are depending on innate potentialities and from transcendent faculties which enable meaning, by various manners.
We are thus, far enough from the Engels's understanding, expressed in his preparatory notes to the Anti-Dühring :
"If, for example, in our countries the mathematical axioms are perfectly evident for an eight-year-old child, without the help of a master, it is only the consequence of the accumulated heredity".

Regrettably today, it is discussed hardly, of the "nature" ("order") of such faculties and not at all, of the timeless domain where are the potentialities (where are the potential states).
And however, to light of recent scientific discoveries, one can show easily the "realism" (existence) of universal value’s references, of unchanging processes , of immutable structural forms, of psychic forces, of anticipations, …, which are into the abstraction’s mysterious domain.

It is true, it’s a revolutionary conceptualization which necessitates from containing the scientifical formalizations in their validity domain notably so as to integrate the transcendent order in world’s understanding.

At the beginning of the third millennium, the one who is in a research of the primordial causes, indeed more than yesterday, can recognize links between what is "perceptible" and what is "potential",
that is to say between the physical activities (notably those which lead to physical reality's states) and the creation activities of transcendent order, particularly expressed by the genetic potentialities.
The invariant and the evolutive, the eternal and the historical, the real and the virtual, characterize world !
Plato and Plotinus would not contradict us.

F. Jacob, saw in polyvalence of the living entities as the organs, the "do-it-yourself" of the evolution and spoke about Nature as about an operator able to create the variety by combinations in an unlimited way, of same pieces and same fragments ". (Cf. The game of the possibilities - 1991).

But an operator, when he wants to organize, must recognize, judge, choose, anticipate, …, decide and act, and thus, must be outside the perceptible reality and implicated in it.
Of this fact the potentialities actualization (their materialization to become realities) does not result from a do-it-yourself ; think to ceaseless creation activities, of physical order and of transcendent order, that are taking place in the cells.
Without such activities, notably to obtain novelties by means of genetic potentialities, there would not be life and evolution of species.
We are therefore far from the commun Darwinism recognized and taught of an almost dogmatic manner, by the paleontologists.

Let us remember the theories developed after Lucy's discovery in 1974, which were saying us that climatic modifications which are appeared in Africa, about eight million years ago,
and the "bipedalism",
have been the prime causes to origin of the man.
We must be rigorous in phenomena's analysis ; this phylum as the others, the comportments, all phenomena are resulting of specific potentialities actualizations (materializations).

To rise to trees for example, it’s necessary to have, beforehand, the genetic, physical and psychic adequate potentialities, notably those which enable vertical position,
the environmental constraints being only moment's causes.

More generally, potentialities are actualized (materialized),
and for necessary individualizations,
and according to environment.

In reality, species evolution shows long stability periods interrupted by fast changes,
facts evidently, which have to be analyzed by taking into consideration inert matter's dynamics.

That is why,
knowing that phase transitions and periods halvings are inexorable facts observed during complexity increase of physical phenomena (evolutions of chaotic type with periods halvings are observed until most elementary level of the inert matter),
we recognize to individuals of evolved species, a "genetic potential" not only that is characteristic of their level of complexity but also, which can increase by means of ceaseless creative activities, of physical order and of transcendent order, until, sometimes, critical thresholds inducing remarkable structural jumps.
Sexual reproduction is typical example.

Observe that this understanding agrees with theory of the "Punctuated equilibria" emitted by Eldredge and Gould.
It also helps to understand better why individuals of remarkable species are "opened" to more complexity although they are composed of biological entities common to all beings.
More complexity but,
what is primordial intention ?,
what is imperative necessity ?

Immediately after fertilization, an essential life process, the unicellular embryo (the zygote) resulting from union of two gametes, male and female, is divided into halves,
these two cells are divided in their turn, giving birth to four cells, after eight, sixteen, …

You noted it, we spoke of "cells which are divided" and not of "cells which divide themselves", that not to hide creative entity (operator) who manages this process.

Besides, after their birth, the cells are identical and have the same evolution potentialities ; in other words, any cell can become a neuron, a liver cell, …, or a commonplace cell of skin.
On the other hand, cells cannot be differentiated and perform completely their task, without the processes organizations and information which take into consideration, besides their environment, the happy and unfortunate experiences which have "enamelled", which "enamel" the history of the life's phenomenon and of the individual.

Therefore, there is not mutations without available potentialities for their actualization (their materialization to become realities).
Let's remind, for example, that numerous bacteria have two mutation possibilities so as to enable them to survive during dramatic environmental changes. (cf. Barry G. Hall - Spontaneous point mutations ..., Genetics, 1997).
Hall concludes that "the selective generation of mutations by an unknown process is a solution which cannot and which must not be rejected.".
John Cairns also observed that actualization rate of certain potential mutations, is more high for bacteria who need it to survive, that for those who do not need it. (cf. The origin of mutants - Nature).

Naturally, it is not processes which manage these activities of creation, these anticipations and these actualizations.
Nevertheless we can admit "realism" (the existence) of biological processes organizations which give possibility to do or not, by respecting rigorous chronologies, actualization of such or such potentiality,
and it, by taking into consideration the lived experiences and anticipations.

But then, inevitable questions,
of where these processes are they coming and who is elaborating them ?,
who is master of the "sense" and of the time (of the durations) ?

We are therefore away traditional questions, and it is not enough to answer in a simplistic way, as geneticists make it nowadays , that the biological directives emanate from genetic heritage, this great book of life.
Let us quote one of these answers :

"Genes are representative of a great library of information and directives, which contains about forty thousand books written in a language and an alphabet common to life's phenomenon.
Letters of this great book, are molecules which compose DNA.
This library is besides contained in a tiny sphere : the nucleus ; this one is separated from cytoplasm, this immense and mysterious factory where proteins are conceived and elaborated according to singular directives emanating from DNA,
of proteins which are the true actors of the cells's dynamics ....
That is the proteins produced by a cell which, collectively, determine its evolutions and behaviors ...
Difference between two cells which belong to two distinct families, as a brain cell and a liver cell, is resulting of the fact that every family of cells consults different genetic information and thus makes different proteins. No cell can read and use totality of the genetic information contained in the genes's library common to all body's cells." (cf. Specialized literature).

Certainly, we can consider the DNA molecules as language of the life's book, nevertheless, and it, never is said, it’s because there are electromagnetic waves inexorably associated to atoms, that these molecules are memories and vectors of the genetic language (that’s why for example, there is no structural abyss between the inert matter and the living matter).
On the other hand, the cells, proteins, genes, neurons, activators, repressors, organs, ..., are not able to recognize, to read, judge, choose, ..., decide and to act.
Therefore, elaboration and diffusion of genetic directives (according to us of processes organizations) presuppose a creative entity, of transcendent order, implicated in any state of the beings and things, and notably able to interpret characteristics of the electromagnetic waves, this universal vectors of "sense" .

Let’s beware thus to scientifical monism, in particular, to comprehension expressed, during 1980s, by James Watson, co-discoverer with Francis Crick, of the DNA's structure :
"In every cell, approximately seven percent of all DNA is used to make proteins.... It seems very improbable that activity of ninety-three percent of remaining DNA is blocked by thousands other repressor proteins.
The common sense suggests that in our cells, ..., most of proteins that control the genes, act as activators and not as repressors." (cf. Molecular Biology of the Cell).

Let's specify moreover, contrary to what is often announced the information and the memorized processes organizations on DNA, to potential state, were never deciphered, and they cannot be it.
Geneticists are only comparing the molecular structures which compose DNA,
what is very different !
However, all these processes organizations why do they show respect of a mysterious direction ? :
towards always more complexity.

The experiment imagined by Otto Loewi during 1920s, is also rich in information as for actualization (materialization) of potentialities :
"Otto Loewi took hearts of two frogs and he made a perfusion to this hearts with a saline solution similar to corporal liquid … Then he stimulated electrically nerves of the first heart, what changed its beating rhythm … When he removed solution of the stimulated heart and injected it in the other, this one also changed frequency of its beating as if it had been stimulated too, indicating that a substance had been emitted of the first heart and transferred to the second." (Cf. Joseph Ledoux - Neurobiology of personality).

Rich in information indeed, because we can consider solution injected in second heart, as a memory and a vector of processes organizations, to potential state, which enable biological effects ; that shows, once again, the realisme (existence) of potentialities waiting for their actualization.

With regard to impact of the environmental constraints,on actualization (materialization to become realities) of the genetic and brain potentialities, let's quote coexistence of the Neanderthal men and Cro-Magnon men, two men types who are descended from the Homo erectus who is appeared in Africa more than 1,5 million years ago.
According to what is today recognized, we know that Neandertal man (Homo neanderthalensis) has evolved for about 170 000 years in Europe, less in the Middle East, for to disappear suddenly and mysteriously, approximately 30 000 years ago ; so, he lived, probably for 5 000 years, with Cro-Magnon man, our direct ancestor who arrived in Europe here is 35 000 years.

Scientifical discoveries enable also to believe that the small morphological differences which characterize them, are old of 600 000 years,
and that their adaptation power concerning extreme climatic conditions that they have known, reveales brain potentialities comparable to ours, notably faculties which enable previsions.
So much facts which show that these two men kinds, have been fruits of different actualizations of similar genetic potentialities, concerning body and psyche,
different actualizations, evidently, on account of specific environmental constraints and of distinct social conditions.
Thus, we understand better why apparently similar individuals can be more or less creative !

Why for example, shape of the stones hewed by the Neandertal men to make tools, has little changed it seems, during thousands years, while for that the Cro-Magnon men ceaselessly were innovating.
If we consider the jewels, difference is even more revealing ; oldest known human ornaments would belong to Cro-Magnon men (some specimens of extremely rudimentary jewels, some fragments of flints and bones marked by regular streaks or chevrons, are nevertheless attributed to neandertal men).
Observe that jewel has no functional value, it’s a sense vector that presupposes abstraction capacities since it is made to bring to light a social status or an idea which we have of us.

Other numerous evolutions of our ancestors's psyche, although they seem commonplace, are also remarkable; let's quote only two examples :

- Researchs, in Middle East, showed that about 12 000 years ago, tribal populations have acclimatized some plants until then wild, and gradually have "improved" their production.
Certainly this new behaviors was necessary for satisfying vital needs, however they would not have been possible without a wide range of brain potentialities which allow to observe, recognize, judge, …, to anticipate and create.

- On both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, in different epochs and distinct places, some civilizations having no contact, showed of similar actualizations of alike brain potentialities ; it has been so for pyramids construction in Africa and in Mesoamerica.
Let's quote the resemblances between most old Egyptian pyramids, and pyramid with floors built, about 4600 years ago on the site of Caral, in coastal desert of Peru (discovered in 1994).
The Mayan pyramids, more recent, were also preceded by wooden modest graves, similar to Egyptian ancient graves at Abydos.
Evidently, these resemblances don’t depend on the hazard (chance), it would be only because all these pyramids reveal common presentiment of a life after death.

Actualization (materialization) of potentialities is an extremely mysterious phenomenon almost ignored of philosophers and theologians.

- the totally dehydrated bacteria live again as soon as they are into their natural environment, and it although they have been frozen a long time, to very low temperatures.
Indeed, dehydrated, they are inert carbonaceous molecules aggregates (of inert matter) which nevertheless have of singular development possibilities to potential state,
potentialities from which for example, liquid water enables actualization.

- the sudden temperature variations allow to influence actualization of the genetic patrimony of drosophila embryos, what can notably lead to some organs modifications affecting their descendants.

- although the face's reactions apparently have not vital effects, the individuals of ethnic groups very different as the Papuans and Americans have similar facial contractions when they express their sorrow. (Cf. Paul Ekman - Telling Lies).
Moreover, evolved animals as the chimpanzees are expressing their feelings.
However, an essential precision, although any physical reaction depends on muscles (contractions of glands which enable the adrenalin release for example),
the muscles cannot feel, judge…, and decide !

We could quote other facts but they will not give more credibility to our comprehension of the actualization ; we consider that this one necessitates two orders of activities : physical and transcendent.

So, in our research of the primordial causes, we beware to simplistic speechs, even if they are pronounced by brilliant minds :

"How enjoyment makes us redden ... So, enjoyment gives a more lively and bright color , because it opens the heart orifices and blood is flowing more quickly in all veins …",

"How sadness makes us turn pale ... Sadness on the contrary, narrows the heart orifices and made that blood is flowing more slowly in all veins …",

" … if we see an animal that is coming towards us, its body's light which is reflected, is painting of it two images, one in each of our eyes ; and these two images make of it two other, through the optical nerves, in internal brain surface which looks its concavities ; then from there, by intervention of the minds from which these cavities are filled, these images radiate towards small gland which these minds surround, in a such way that movement which animates every point of one of the images, is going towards the same point of the gland, … ; by means of that, both images which are in brain compose only one image on gland which acting at once on soul, enables to this one to see figure of this animal." (cf. Descartes - Passions of the Soul - Articles 115, 116, 35).

The potentialities, particularly genetic, such as we can conceive them, today, were unknown evidently, of Descartes.
It’s the same for creative entity who actualizes, has intentions, will-power, emotions, …, and recognizes herself in the I (ego, subject, spirit).
Note that nevertheless descartes had to imagine small operators, the spirits situated in the brain cavities.

And at the present time ?
Understanding is comparable ; for example, the biologists consider the genes as singular operators, imagining thus, the alcoholism's genes, homosexuality, infantile hyperactivity, …

But, again let’s repeat,
due to its only physical nature, the matter, whatever it is, cannot recognize, judge, to choose by respecting value’s references (notably durations these intervals which are not of the space), ..., cannot decide and act.
As a consequence and for example, genes as alcoholism's gene are chromosomal abnormalities (non-normalities) which can lead to some particular actualizations of genetic potentialities.

Moreover, if there were of specific genes of physical or psychic behaviors, genetic patrimony of the man should be much richer than the one of the superior animals ; let's think of our extraordinary cognitive abilities.
But it’s not so.
We know henceforth that man’s DNA and its 3 billion pairs of nitrogen bases : Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine has only between 20000 and 25000 genes (the biologists had banked on 100000 genes, even on 150000 genes !).
Besides, human genome is in 98,4 %, identical to that of the chimpanzees (genome of Tetraodon nigroviridis, a small fish of the Southeast Asia, already has 90 % of our genes, it is true, with less base pairs : 385 millions).

Let’s meditate more.
The genetic potentialities of the man, how do they enable behaviors so subtle, if there is not of spectacular biological complexity increase comparatively to most evolved species ?
Furthermore, how can we understand that among the genetic mutations, some enable biological modifications and others are, apparently, without effect ?

To try to answer, it is necessary to go beyond the current scientific theories.

The geneticists, what do they teach us for example, as for the causes which lead to differentiation (to variability) of the individuals ?
According to a communication made by Axel Kahn, in a forum speaking about the racism, at Durban ( South Africa) on September 3rd, 2001 :

"... action mode of the genes, that is the mechanism by which they influence the beings's properties, is combinatorial as words combination gives sense to the sentence or text.
But it is not number of used words that makes literary quality of a text, as well as it is not number of genes that explains range of the human potentialities …".

Certainly mechanism which enables the beings's diversity is combinatorial and can be compared with letters combination in word, of words in sentence and of sentences in speech,
nevertheless and we insist again,
it’s not the combination which gives "sense" to word, to the sentence and to speech, but interpretation of this combination, that is interpretation of the position of letters in word, of words in sentences, of sentences in speech, what is quite different !

So, with the world's comprehension which we propose (our dualism), we understand better why small genetic differences can have spectacular consequences on beings's structures, as show the physical and psychic differences between the men and chimpanzees, while, as we previously said, their genes are identical to 98,4 %.
More exactly,
knowing that electromagnetic waves are primordial vectors of the sense,
we understand better why small interferences modifications of these waves inexorably associated to DNA's components,
of interferences which depend  of spatial positions and nano-distances,
enable from changing radically, genetic processes organizations with biological effects and genetic processes organizations with psychic effects.

Inescapable interrogations re-appear then :
- what is order (nature) of faculties which enable recognition and interpretation of electromagnetic waves's characteristics, sense vectors, which are associated to DNA and RNA ?,
- what can we say about creative entity who is judging and using the four nitrogen bases : adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine,
and who, in front of inexorable constraints and by means of combinatorial processes, must elaborate and actualize (materialize), permanently, genetic potentialities according the living conditions ?

Research of the primordial causes presupposes therefore, more than yesterday, an extreme semantic rigour and a great opening of mind,

- a semantic rigour which leads, for example, to criticism, even to negation, of much current concise expressions emitted by the scientific popularizers ; list is long, nevertheless, two are enough, for showing necessity of such a rigour :
* "Genes manage proteins synthesis".
The genes do not manage ; they are memories and vectors of processes organizations which enable proteins synthesis, what is very different
* "Genetic abnormalities are often responsible for pathologies".
Certainly, genetic abnormalities can be causes of disturbances which affect some biological processes organizations necessary for maintaining and developping life, but they are not primordial causes.
Besides, these abnormalities are often impacts (vestiges) of very old lived experiences.

- a great opening of mind, in particular with regard to the determinism.
This one indeed, is not only the expresion of constraints, it is also inherent to potentialities actualization (materialization).
Therefore, logically, determinism cannot be dissociated of intentional processes (and vice versa) ; multiple transformations of the beings and their behaviors give evidence of it.
Let’s consider for example, social insects and their genetic determinsm,
* although they have of the limited knowledges and of small decision capacities, ants cultivate mushrooms, are breeding aphides, even are altruists,
* the queen of a swarm makes some of her eggs non perceptible so that they are not destroyed,
* in communities of bees, there are sacrificial behaviors ; some bees are pricking themselves and die, so that others survive.

Regrettably, at beginning of this third millennium, for the philosophers and theologians, the intentional processes are man's apanage.
As for activities of transcendent order necessitated by these processes, they are plainly ignored.
And however, who can ignore the ceaseless understandings, the recognitions, the choices, the anticipations, …, necessary to life's dynamics !

Let's therefore reject firmly,
and the monism which affects world's comprehension,
and taboo that hits transcendent order
Let's tear to pieces, the weaved insidious veil and constantly maintained by temples's guards of the science, of the philosophy and theology, which masks primordial causes of the phenomena,
this insidious veil that leaves wide-open doors to upholders of the atheistic materialism.

The modern comprehension of the world, of the life's sense and of the man’s nobility, presupposes powerful knowledges with logics integrating transcendent order.
Few physicists and biologists recognize it.
As for the philosophers and theologians ?!

Paul Moyne

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Paul Moyne


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