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Powers and forces, energies and matter


Powers and forces, energies and matter

The words : power, force, energy and matter, are generic terms ; so we must know not only the extreme variety of the phenomena which they allow to express, but also their validity spaces. What can we say, reasonably ?

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Powers and forces, energies and matter

Powers and forces, energies and matter

The words : power, force, energy and matter, are generic ; so we must know not only the extreme variety of the phenomena which they allow to express, but also their spaces of validity.
thanks to the "hard" sciences we can discover and represent some effects and some "states of be " of the physical energies, these universal means which enable the foundation of the inert and living matters,
whereas the life sciences allow henceforth to conceive more subtle energies inherent to transcendent world of the ideas and eternal forms, dear to Plato and Plotinus.

Still it is necessary not to refer only to the scientific formalizations, if only because laws and principles manage not at all the universe as it is generally admited.

What can we say, reasonably ?


This study that tries to discern the primordial powers, cannot ignore, naturally,
- and the mysterious domain, where are developed and still develop, the concepts, the ideas, …, the theories which participate in our world's understanding ; we want to speak about the abstraction's domain where are memorized the past experiences, judged in a moment without duration ( the present), in order to anticipate, - and correspondingly, the development of the man's psyche.

Essential fact, this psyche has been the object of constant increases in abstraction capacities which enabled of particularly remarkable increases of the conceptualization capacities, in particular :

- the one which enabled our distant ancestors to begin to communicate by written languages constituted by engravings and by primary drawings (carvings on bones, rupestral engravings, …).
We can place this increase of conceptualization capacities towards - 30.000 years BC, while reminding that we become aware of ourselves towards 18 months of age, and that the chimpanzee has a proto-consciousness state.
The men of this period, how did they distinguish the powers which they had and the forces associated with the phenomena ?
Nobody ever will not answer, but we can say that their intellect did not allow to differentiate them ; in the Neolithic (9000 years before J.C.) according to fossils, hardly it seems, they began to venerate the skull.

- after the increase of the conceptualization capacities which allowed the appearance of more subtle writings giving evidence of more abstraction capacities, in particular, of the power to count ; let's quote for example the birth of the cuneiform in low Mesopotamia towards the end of the fourth millennium before J.C., followed by those of the Egyptian hieroglyph and the Chinese ideogram.
It has been also the beginning of differentiations between the powers associated with the phenomena and the powers inherent to the body, and it under the cover of gods, of goddesses and devils.
So, the Mesopotamia priests (2.000 years BC), even the Sumerian priests ( 4.000 years Bc),
being privileged observers of the behavior of beings before the death because "organizers" of the animals sacrifices, and even of the men sacrifices,
were recognizing them in internal organs, more exactly in gall-bladder.
As for the Egyptian priests, probably some 3.000 years before J.C., they imagined them in heart for knowledge and intelligence, in breast for courage, in stomach for the physical activities.

- much later, came the large period of the human abstraction which continues even nowadays, the one which has known the birth and development of the Greek philosophy and wisdom indoue; it was the time of the Pythagoras (- 580 ? - 497?), Democritus (- 460, - 370), Hippocrates (- 460, - 377), Plato (- 427, - 347), Aristotle (- 384, - 322), Confucius (- 551, - 479), …
The problems raised by the mysterious powers associated with beings were omnipresent.
Let us recall :

Pythagoras will imagine two essential entities,
- une, the Phrenes ( the intelligence) located in the brain,
- the second, the Thumos (the activ part of the soul) in the heart,
entities considered as vital principles.

Democritus will privilege the brain where according to him, lives the intelligence ; for the history, let's remind that having meditated on the small particles which compose the dust, he "proposed" the notion of atom (the limit of what is divisible)which since is generalized !
Hippocrates will consider the vital principles as conveyed by the air,
whereas Aristotle will see in the nerves, the vectors in the body, of a vital power which he named entelechy.

Don't forget,
Erasistrate of Alexandria, a doctor (- 320 ?, - 250), who thought that the vital energy necessary for the body (pneuma zoticon) goes to the heart by the pulmonary veins, whereas the vital energy necessary for the psyche (pneuma psychicon) joins the brain by means of nerves,
and much later,
Galien (131, 201), a Greek doctor influenced by the platonists and whose opinions made authority into Europa until XVII ème century, who imagined a pneuma trine composed of :
- a pneuma physicon inherent to food and intended for the liver where would be the power which animates body,
- a pneuma zoticon which, conveyed by veins up to the heart, would act as a mediator between the power animating body and the power of the feelings and passions,
- a pneuma psychicon which transported by the blood in the brain, would be necessary for the intelligence and faculties.

We must also quote the major concept, the soul dating from these epochs and which crossed the centuries, even if we have to reform it today.
So, Plato in Phèdre, has imagined soul as a carriage which its coachman cannot drive, on account of numerous internal conflicts.
As for Aristotle, he saw in soul, "the main entelechy of a natural element having life to potential state" (cf. Of the Soul, II, 1, 412 a 38-39), the entelechy being representative of the perfection state ; to our knowledge, there is not philosopher who proposed a more "modern" understanding of the soul.
When someone speaks of natural element having life to potential state, does not he recognize universal character of the life's phenomenon ?

Speaking about Aristotle, Michel de Montaigne had nevertheless noted ambiguities which affect the soul notion :
"What naturally animates the body and that he names entelechy, of a cold invention because he does not speak either about about the origin, or of the soul's nature, but he remarks only its effect. " (cf. Essay, II, 12),
ambiguities that we find in the biblical translations :
- english version,
"However, by no means eat the blood, for the blood is life itself ; you must not eat the life with the meat. You must not eat it ; You must pour it out on the ground like water."(cf. Dt. 12, 23-24),
- french version,
"Seulement tu veilleras à ne pas manger le sang, car le sang, c’est l’âme ; tu ne mangeras donc pas l’âme avec la viande. Tu ne le mangeras pas mais tu le verseras par terre comme de l’eau." (cf. Dt. 12, 23-24),
Blood, was it the life or soul ?
What is the exegete who can answer ?

Fortunately nowadays, considering the body as a physical identity which is "receptacle" of cells, we can imagine, with numerous arguments, the soul as a spiritual identity which is abstract receptacle of transcendent activities which characterize each of us.

Nevertheless the soul is still recognized, following the example of saint Augustine, as an operator having a mysterious power :
"The soul commands the body : at once body obeys ; the soul commands the soul : there is a resistance.",
an operator ( a power) which would not be alone :
"But it is that the soul is not alone to want, also soul is not alone to command. Because as much as soul wants, it commands, and, as much as soul does not want, what it commands is not made, since the will commands that there is a will, and not another one that the will itself." (cf. Confessions – book VIII, 9).

Our illustrious ancestors therefore, were discussing of multiple powers, while today, we can, and we have to argue the multiple expressions of a same power !


The fertile period of the human imagination which began about six centuries before J.C., enables also to throw mighty lightings on a mysterious presentiment, the one of a beyond the world.
This presentiment has been expressed since the Neolithic with a significant rite : the mummification that "blooms" in ancient Egypt.

Among these lightings, the most revolutionary has been no doubt the one emitted by Plato and his sensibility to "the One", to virtualities and to world of the ideas and eternal forms.
Plato imagined for example, "the One" as composed of the being and of the non-being in the variety of their hierarchical organization (the superior, the equal, the inferior) and of their domains, in particular the one , unchanging, of what is understandable.
As regards the Idea, due to the absolute purity which idealizes it and potential creativity which characterizes it, he recognized it as the timeless absolute cause that enables reality.
These comprehensions presuppose therefore, of distances which are not spatial (intervals which are not spatial) and stable states in a world that is in a perpetual movement.

Regrettably these ways of research enabling a better understanding of the primordial world's nature,
although they have been taken by some renowned mystics as Plotinus who considered that :

"It’s inside of oneself that it is necessary to look for the universal presence of the One, … He is, says Plato, in anything and with all the beings, without that they know him … They are the ones, indeed, that flee away him, or rather outside themselves. They cannot thus seize the one that they fled.... But the one who recognized himself will know from where he comes …" (cf. Treatise 9 - 7, 19 and 8, 3),

were abandoned to privilege simple explanations and more or less mythical stories transmitted during generations.

Furthermore, the monotheists,, due to the considerable powers which they had acquired, have transmitted and dogmatized even, world's comprehensions fundamentally false, without daring to admit it today.

With pope Innocent III (1160, 1216) the papal theocracy will reach moreover its peak.
This one was convinced that the whole universe was confided to Saint-Peter and his successors and that he thus has the power to knock down, to destroy, to dissipate, to build, …,
will forbid to the upper clergy, the researchs of the essential powers by means of medicine ; besides he will condemn the doctors who work without presence of monks.

Some researchers curious as for the inner powers of the man have emitted however some ideas concerning notions of vital energy, of pneuma, of soul and of spirit, which show moreover how much in these times, the knowledges were primary and ambiguous.
Let’s quote :

- Léonard de Vinci (1452, 1519 ), who according to autopsies which he often practised, was believing that there is a transformation of the vital spirit who is coming from heart, in an animal spirit, in the brain's bottom : the rete mirabilis,
- Berengario of Carpi (1460 ? – 1530 ?), Bologna, will consider that the "vital spirit" become an "animal spirit" to contact of the ventricular secretions,
- André Vésale (1514 - 1564) who was flemish, father of the modern anatomy, condemned by the Inquisition, will try to show that the cerebral ventricles are intended for conservation of "animal spirit",
- André Césalpin (1519 - 1603 ),an italian doctor, for reason that heart is the first organ which emerges from embryo, will recognize in heart the seat of the vegetative soul,
- Van Helmont (1577 - 1644), a flemish doctor, will imagine an intangible entity, the archée supposed be sensitive (sensory) soul who is in charge of body's functions ; he will place her even, at stomach's level.

Descartes (1596, 1650), too, will imagine multiple operators (powers) more or less interdependent :
"… ; in such a manner that, even in us, it is not spirit (or soul) that moves at once the outside members, but only he can determine course of this very subtle liquor which we name "animal spirits", this liquor which is going constantly of the heart by the brain into the muscles, and which is cause of all our members's movements …
And when individuals who fall from a height, present their hands the first ones, in order to save their head, it is not by the advice of their reason ... (cf. The Fourth Answer, 178).

By light of these some quotations, we understand the impact of the knowledge in the reasoning and its logics, therefore in research of the primordial causes,
and why some erroneous world's comprehensions condemn, for ever, numerous speeches, even expressed by illustrious thinkers.
Besides and regrettably, at this beginning of the third millennium, we observe that the researchers recognize still, creative powers to multiple structures which compose the beings : the brain, the organs, …, the cells, the genes, ...,
a "simplism" which contributes to the non-creativity of the current philosophers and theologians ! 


Let us take again the road of the physical and intellectual behaviours which led to the differentiation and "quantification" of the powers, because it is very instructive.
This road began according to us, by use of the fire, in the immemorial times as early as - 450 000 years, in Brittany : site of Menez-Dregan to Plouhinec, near Nice : Terra Amata, in Germany : Bilzingsleben, in Hungary : Vértesszőlős), even since - 790 000 years on the site of the Gesher Benot Ya'aqov at the edge of the Jordan Valley (?).

The man used first of all the heat's effect for the heating during cold periods ; afterwards fire served for the food's preparation.
Much later, it enabled making of potteries (there were of chinese pottery of quality, 6 000 years before J. C.), …, and the birth of the metallurgies : copper (2500 before J. C.), bronze, iron (1100 before J. C.).

Correlatively, the fire’s powers were recognized as the ones of mysterious entities ; they were often understood purifying but also sometimes, perceived as the expressions of malefic forces.
The recall in a exhaustive way, of all the rites and the symbols concerning fire, which have existed and still exist, would not give more credibility to our speech,
the Persians who were greeting every morning the fire (light) of the rising sun,
the Greco-Roman mythology with in particular, Dido legendary queen of Carthage, sister of Pygmalion, in love of Aeneas, who was burning from the inside …,
the priestesses of Vesta, who were maintaining the fire in Rome, …,
the Hindus and the Buddhists who are practising the cremation of the Deaths.

Actually, like the ceaseless researches for the novelty which take place in our cells, it is the need to work to know and to research to know more, that has incited our ancestors to developing the uses of fire, and much more later, to differentiation and measure of the powers inherent to phenomena.
Certainly the objects and phenomena exist independently of the measures but they are judged according to their necessity and their impact.

For example, the necessity of managing the trade of cereal products in Mesopotamia at the end the IVth millennium BC, led to the appearance of the numbers's language and to its writing ; at the same time, were measured the volumes and the weights according references.
That is why there was balances in the antiquity without to know, obviously, that they enable comparison of "moments of forces".
since Gilles Personne (on 1602, 1675), an inhabitant of Roberval, which revolutionized the weighing by having the idea to put the trays over the flail and not under,
the weights's measure did not stop to be improved.

Another example of measure, the first thermometer, which gave a clear reading of temperature, unaffected by other factor, was invented by great duke of Tuscany in 1654 ; this was a sealed tube with a bulb, partially filled with alcohol.
Gabriel Fahrenheit ( 1686-1736 ), in 1717, replaced the alcohol by mercury and made correspond the number 32 of its reference range (32°F),to temperature of the melting ice,
Anders Celsius (1701-1744 ) and Carl von Linné (1707-1778 ) have defined in 1742/1745, a new mercury-in-glass thermometer ( 0 ° for the melting ice and 100 ° for the boiling water at the sea level).

The inherent powers to objects and to phenomena ( their impact) being more and more formalized by symbols and quantified by measures, multiple theories " bloomed" then.
Among the most remarkable let's quote those which compose the "thermodynamics" and which led to entropy notion, if only because this concept is at present a "passkey" which plays an excessive rôle in understanding of the universal dynamics.

Brief account

Rudolf Clausius (german physicist - 1822, 1888) has been the first one to define and to introduce the notion of entropy "q/T " ("T" being the absolute temperature and "q" the calorific energy), in thermodynamics,
this science founded by Sadi Carnot ( 1796,1832 ) who treats relations between the mechanical and thermal energies.

Thus, by means of mathematical speculations, we know that the entropy of an isolated system, that is to say the entropy of a system exchanging strictly nothing with its environment, can only increase.
However, to tell the truth, this singular conclusion, due to a theoretical hypothesis, cannot be generalized, ex-abrupto, if we consider, as ourselves, that there is permanently, demassification of the cosmic matters in the black holes

On the other hand, we cannot ignore the relations between the Undifferentiated from where emerge the quantum events (the universal Energy from which all the scientists speak without knowing),
and the reality,
a theme rich in philosophic and theological developments ; we shall talk of that later.

Let's beware therefore to current postulates of the intelligentsia :
- the universe's entropy is increasing,

- the entropy is a physical measure of the disorder.
There is no disorder and chaos in the universe, Boltzmann (1844 - 1906) will excuse us.
The presentiment which we have of it and the scientific formalizations which express them, are measures of our ignorance !
However, although the entropy is not representative of a universal disorder,
it expresss the non-reversibility of certain evolutions and of a philosophic point of view, gives evidence of the immutable respect of directions.

- the negentropy (negative entropy or syntropy), which defines itself as inverse of the entropy, is a measure of the information,
even a measure of the information's quantity.
Don't forget that the transfer and recognition of any information, are requiring,
- on one hand, memories and vectors of the "sense", of which some electromagnetic waves are the primordial vectors,
- on the other hand, the interpretation, a faculty (power) of transcendent order (which is not of a physical order).

Let's beware also to ambiguous speeches which slide easily, of the entropic laws to anthropic principle postulated to be at the origin of the variety of the speciess, even at the origin of the variety of the human attitudes and faiths.

Concerning the anthropic principle let's quote two current comprehensions :

- first of all, the one which lends to smile so much it is evident, and according to which our observation capacities are, and have to be in adequacy with the things that we can observe,
- afterwards the one which considers that universe is structured to enable the observers existence.

Actually, its dynamics requires of powerful poles of memorization and of research for the novelty as are the men on earth ; let us remember the extraordinary creation activities and the sense transmission which take place in our cells until the quantum level, and therefore which concern at least the close universe.

As for the universe, we have to insist still, there are not laws that manage it, even if these laws are universal ; laws are not operators who can recognize, judge, …, decide !
Also, we cannot say that there would not be life, if the universal constants which characterize the evolutions, were different.
The extreme variety of the universe gives evidence of possible evolution's ways and of unchanging constraints; it's so and it cannot be otherwise


The intellectual progress of the antique Greek thinkers (the development and the complexity of their abstraction domain) also enabled the knowledge beginning of the things's "behaviours", in particular with Archimedes of Syracuse (- 287 ? - 212) who, before the notion of force is clearly expressed, has proved the influence of the volume and density of the objects during their immersion in water (Archimedes' Principle) and the importance of the lever arm when it is necessary to lift a thing.

even with Simon Stevin (1548 ?, - 1620), flemish scholar who showed that the action of a liquid in a receptacle (what we call the pressure) depends only on the height of the liquid in this one and not of its forms,
and Galilée (1564, 1642), who began to answer inherent problems to situation of an object on an inclined plane, and to fall of things,
the nature and specificity of the forces were remaining a mystery.

This mystery began to clear itself up with Isaac Newton (1643, 1727) ; indeed, in his mathematical Principles of natural philosophy (Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - 1687), this english physicist presented the first laws of the movement of the classic mechanics, according to which in a reference system :
- the behaviour of an object, in rest or in uniform rectilinear movement, is the same as long as the sum of the outside forces applied to itself, is zero,
- the application of a force "F" modifies the behaviour of an object in the time, according to a measurable bigness : the acceleration "γ", and the equation : F = mγ, m being the mass,
- there is always action and reaction, that is why with every force there is an equal and opposite force.

Correspondingly, Gottfried Leibniz (1646, 1716) theorized concerning a singular power : the "viva force" (vis viva) of value mv² which was the double of what we name the kinetic energy, today (the kinetic energy is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its current velocity).

Much more later, in 1905,
taking into account the transformation equations of Lorentz (1853, 1928) :

and ,

where, v is the speed of a body, t is the time and c the speed limit recognized to the light (km/s 300.000),
Einstein (1879, 1955) has postulated :
the energy E of a material point of mass m, is not expressed by equation : mv²/2 ,
but by : mc²/(1 - v²/c²)½ ,

or, when this expression is developed in series, by : mc² + mv²/2 + m(3/8)(v²/c)² + ...

Third term of the series and those which follow are very small and can be neglected,
it remains :
- mc² which is representative of the intrinsic energy that characterizes a body of mass m, because mc² is independent of the speed v,
- mv²/2, which is kinetic energy's equation used in classic mechanics.

To the equation E = mc ², we prefer however the equation E ↔ Mc ² which is expressing better the passage of the state of potential physical energy to the state of materialized physical energy, and vice versa.
Quid of E, this primordial energy, universal and without dimension, that enables ceaselessly world's reregeneration ?
Black mass of the universe (dark energy), is it one of its expressions ?

Equation E = mc² ignores too (and that concerns all speechs), creative entity, of transcendent order and master of the sense, who uses letters, figures, ..., and value references, and recognizes herself in the I (ego, subject, spirit).
Curiously these facts have not bothered the physicists, we understand, but the philosophers and theologians !

As for time, it is not the fourth dimension of the universe because we can express it and exploit it with vectors "t", as easily enable from believing Lorentz's equations and special theory of relativity.
Time is a means, transcendent and universal (a potentiality), which allows to integrate the universe's evolutions into rigorous chronologies ; when this potentiality is actualized (materialized by an operator, ourselves for example), it becomes a real and singular time (an appropriate time), more exactly, it becomes a group of durations, these intervals which are not space.
So, universal time has no dimension ; it has neither beginning nor end ; universal time has a different order(a different nature) of one which characterizes space and its links with the things are "implication links".

This understanding of the time allows to remove another major "mortgage" which affects the equations of Lorentz and Einstein : it is the limited speed of the light, in vacuum,
a limited speed that do not enable the comprehension of the instantaneous interactions between very remote quantum particles, (the experiments EPR and of Alain Aspect).

Indeed, our understanding gives a new contents to instantaneousness.
According to us, instantaneousness does not belong to reality but is associated to it with implication links ; for example, instantaneousness "resides" in our abstraction domain where "cohabit" the past, the present moment and future.

Moreover, the universal forces which are postulated as emanating from the things, reside too, to potential state, in all universe, in a transcendent domain associated with the space that contains the reality.
But this domain is unknown of scientists, philosophers and theologians; we thus had to name it by proposing a new word : spacimplicatio resulting from the contraction of the Latin words : spatium which means indefinite domain and implicatio which expresss the act by which a creative entity, a creative power is implicated.


It has been nevertheless necessary to wait the end of the XXth century so that the scientists, with the extraordinary experimental means which allow to penetrate until the inmost depths of the matter, can really discover and express the extreme variety of the forces and energies.

Let's remind.
Before our era, the Persians were using water wheels (the water power) to irrigate their lands.
The use of the force of the wind ( the wind energy) dates probably of - 3.000 years, with the first sailing boat; as for windmills, they appeared in Persia, two centuries before J. C., but it is only in the XIVth century, that they bloomed (prospered) in Holland.

Henceforth it is admitted that forces in matter are essentially expressed by four fundamental interactions :
electrostatic, of gravitation, strong interaction (nuclear force which enables the cohesion of the protons and neutrons in the atomic nuclei) and weak interaction (force or vector ?) which would enable exchange of energy.
But there are also the other types of forces as : pressure, friction, elastic force, …,
without forgetting the psychic forces dear to neurobiologists.
Let's add that forces are not perceptible in themselves, but are imagined according to their effects,
and let's remind that forces exist to potential state in all universe, and are "materialized" as phenomena's dynamics necessitates.

Energy can be also materialized under various states, nevertheless these are interdependent.
So, the present chemical energy in a fuel, is transformed in mechanical energy and in heat energy in an internal combustion engine,
an interdependence which(who) as we specified it previously, is expressed by thermodynamics's laws.
By means of electrical energy we can electrolyze aqueous solutions so as to produce chemical energy ; we can also store electrical energy under form of chemical energy in electrical batteries.

For the history, the French physicist Edmond Becquerel (1820, 1891), discovered the photovoltaic effect (the partial transformation of sunlight into electrical energy), in 1839.
But the discovery of the natural radioactivity by Henri Becquerel (1852, 1908), in 1896,
more exactly, the discovery of the spontaneous emission, without outside energy, of radiations by an inert substance,
is the one which opened the way to another knowledges and to more subtle uses of the energy.

In truth the nuclear energy of fission emitted by the nucleus's disintegration of certain unstable atoms, has been really used in 1950s, in nuclear power stations to make electricity.
Today, of new types of reactors that produce at the same time heat energy and more of fissile materials than they consume, by transmutation "fertile materials" as uranium 238 and thorium (three times more abounding that the uranium),
are studied.
Will they soon be adopted, these new atomic generators, of which the raw material supply would be sure for thousands years ?
We don’t know because all the problems inherent to the security of their functioning, are not resolved.

As for the means which would allow the peaceful use of the nuclear fusion at the origin of the energy of the stars, but also which characterizes the H-bomb ( the hydrogen bomb),
that is the use of the process by which atomic nuclei join together to form a heavier nuclei, by giving a big energy quantity,
they are the object of extremely difficult and expensive studies, without guarantee of success.

Regrettably, ignoring in their speeches, the primordial causes of these numerous forces and energies, in particular, psychical, the philosophers (and the theologians) shut away themselves in a heavy silence with a flagrant uncreativity, comparably to the extraordinary productivity of the scientists ; they admitted thus, of the multiple creative entities (operators).
We shall quote naturally the universal laws and the principles that, unanimously or almost, are recognized "managers of the world" !
Now in the universe, fruit of ceaseless creations, if there are unchanging behaviors and of specific evolution's ways that we can, partially, express by laws, does not mean that laws manage the world ; let us repeat, laws have not the power to recognize, judge, choose, …, and to decide.

Another entities which are said operators : the brain, …, the cells, …, the genes, more than fifty species listed in specialized books in the life sciences :
"gene architecture" of its chromosomes is responsible for the control of embryonic development., …, reporter gene that codes substances, …, regulator gene which codes for proteins that regulate other genes, …, tumor suppressor gene which encodes proteins that normally serve as a brake on cell growth, …
From philosophic point of view, the genes, as any organ, are making nothing; they enable making !

Despise therefore of all these "small powers" which are masking the primordial causes ; also let’s beware to speechs concerning hazard and chaos if only because in the universe there is permanently : order, particularly and in all points of this one, there is respect of value references and durations, these intervals which are not space but of transcendent order.
We have to re-express then, the notions of power, force, energy and matter, and to associate to them the modern knowledges, and some revolutionary concepts (even taboo) for the current intelligentsia, as those of transcendent order and of beyond the world.


For that purpose, let's consider first of all, the forces and psychic energies.

Certainly, the forces and psychic energies (incitements) are necessary for actions  of every being.

Every being indeed, even rudimentary, has an abstraction domain where there are recognitions, …, judgments, choices, …, researches for the novelty … ; for example dogs are dreaming and birds of prey don't go directly on their preys, but on virtual points situated to crossing of anticipated trajectories, their trajectory  and those of their future victims.

These incitements, these forces and these psychic energies are they expressions of the universal Energy ?

We do not think because we believe that they have an different order of the one : physical, of the universal energy.

It is thus necessary to be rigorous as for semantics used.

So, the view of a murder does not provoke the horror of the murder and the pity or the hatred for the criminal; these judgments are correlative of such an action, what is very different.

In a similar way we cannot say that a moral or psychic force, is transformed in physical force, and reciprocally ; a moral or psychic force needs biological structures as to be expressed, and ipso facto, needs  the physical forces which enable dynamics of these structures, what is, there too, very different.

Then, we understand better why, particularly :

- psychic forces expressed by desires and wills, can lead to disproportionate acts,

- too strong feelings, dismays sometimes can be to origin of pathologies as the hysteria, epilepsy, catalepsy, …,  incurable madness, even, death by apoplexy (cerebrovascular accident).

Besides, the psychic forces are not quantifiable as the physical forces.


although we can henceforth record specific electric flows emitted by the brain of a patient, and depending on his wills,

emission of this electrical energy depends too, on organizations of processes where are taken into account value references,

and any organization and any recognition (of value references, ...), presupposes obviously, so as to be able to judge, a  state of transcendence which necessitates to be beyond the commonplace space containing matter.

On the other hand, when we speak about energy of the thought as if this last one was a "operator" who acts for reasons, motives, purposes, …, or as if the thought was a  reservoir of energy, is a main understanding error.

By means of the brain, we develop activities of transcendent order which enable the abstract (mental) constructions as the virtual images of the world, the concepts, …, the thoughts , nuance !

Actually, the activities of transcendent order made by brain's means are very complex and they require the presence and use of memories, and  sense's vectors.

Certainly, these memories are first and foremost the neurons but by what processes ?

Fortunately we can henceforth answer partially, to this problem ; indeed, neurones are sense memories  because of electromagnetic waves groups which  interfere permanently, are associated to them.

As for the sense vectors in the body, they are obviously for the biologists, the nerves and cells as those of the blood, but for the spirit in search of the primordial causes, they are flows of electromagnetic waves,

what enable us moreover to postulate that electromagnetic waves are primordial vectors of the sense.

To be simple, the brain is a radio transmitter-receiver, and for example, individuals who have a very great sensibility, can sometimes seize some thoughts fragments, by subliminal way.

Thus, the mental creations reside in an information field that concerns, due to its transcendent order,

more than the body (effulgence, influence of the human personality is perceived by animals),

more than the biomass,

at least :  the nearest part of the universe.

Let's stop therefore believing, as the researchers in their large majority, that the psychic energy is similar to physical energies ; they integrate even into their theories, the entropy notion (we remind that this notion concerns exclusively the interactions between the thermic energy and mechanical energy).
Today, the study and the "expression" of the psyche cannot allow ignore what is "spiritual",  more exactly what presupposes the "spiritual" word.
We want speak of the transcendent state which characterizes the timeless domain of the abstraction, scene of our spiritual life,
timeless because reside there in the present moment without duration, the past experiences and anticipations.

That is why we don't consider the psychic Energy as a singular energy belonging to the world of the physical energies, but as a specific potential energy inherent to a transcendent order,
an energy which enables notably, characteristic ceaseless creations of the life's phenomenon.

We are so, far away of concepts of vital energy previously evoked, and of vital force, recognized by numerous philosophers ( Bergson, ...) and theologians !


But then, what can we say about the origins, about primordial sources of these two natures of energies : physical and transcendent (psychical, spiritual) ?

According to us these sources represent unitary Powers because they are without dimension and timeless; we so conceive :

- on one hand, unitary Power who is  primordial source of the physical energies ; it is the universal  Energy from where emerge the particles that compose the atoms and molecules ( the matter), and therefore, it's also the eternal substratum of the world,

- on the other hand, unitary Power which is source of the creative entity, not omnipotent, who, managing the universe, singularise herself in every being and recognize herself in the I (ego, subject, spirit).

Let's consider, first of all, the universal Energy, this eternal substratum of the world.

Let’s remind :

" If, then, in words that sound and fade away thou didst say that heaven and earth should be made, and thus madest heaven and earth, then there was already some kind of corporeal creature before heaven and earth by whose motions in time that voice might have had its occurrence in time …",

" Yet, since the matter of heaven and earth is one thing and the form of heaven and earth is another thing, thou didst create matter out of absolutely nothing (de omnino nihilo), but the form of the world thou didst form from formless matter (de informi materia). But both were done at the same time, so that form followed matter with no delaying interval." (cf. St. Augustine  - Confessions – book XI, 6 – book XIII, 33).

And more recently :
" When a disturbance propagates itself in a continuous environment, it spreads out by a natural tendency and weakens ...

Furthermore, if the environment is really continuous, I want to say, if, observed under a more microscopic aspect, it is not an aggregate of particles only, we can demonstrate that the disturbances will be transformed by a natural  tendency, in vibrations ceaselessly more swift, with  ceaselessly more small greatnesses.

The purely continuous representation of the natural phenomena would thus lead us to plan the disappearance of any individualities, the tendency towards a homogeneous state where the energy would have subtle forms." (cf. L. De Broglie - Matter and Light- 1937).

Indeed, we can henceforth recognize reasonably, the subquantum domain (field) as being always identical to itself,

and even, as a domain without dimension, of which emerge permanently,  elementary states of the reality.

For example, the cosmic whirlpools could only decrease, even disappear, if they were not generated, continuously, by a very big source of energy without matter.

We can argue more by quoting the galaxies with an active galactic nucleus (AGN) composed of extremely compact energies concentrations,

of concentrations which would not result of external energies but from powerful internal sources ( in particular, the listed nuclei BL-Lacertae),

or also, the gravitational radiation (gravitational waves).

Although imagined by Einstein and his co-workers during their theoretical works on the fields (1916), this radiation was detected only after fabulous development of the research technologies(1960s), in particular, by means of very complex detectors as the cylinder of Weber and the laser interferometers.

Characterized by frequencies from 10-6 to 1000 Hz, the gravitational radiation corresponds to a decrease of the internal energy ; besides, the strongest gravitational cosmic tides don't express of important forces but enormous  energy transfers by quantum events (quantum activities) ; it is notably case when stars are in their terminal vibratory phase, as the supernovae which collapse.

It is therefore reasonable to consider the  reduction of mass of star systems by gravity waves (for example a black hole gobbling up stars by means of gravitational waves),

as a dematerialization mode of the matter, in other words,

as a return of the energies with dimensions, to the state of universal Energy without dimension.

We are so in presence of one beyond of the world, "situated" not outside of immense envelope which is supposed the universe's limit, but in the inmost depths of the things and beings.

Consequently, we can imagine in the "recycling" and "emergence", two mysterious processes which, eternally, enable world's creation, its dynamics and its variety.

Obviously, it is impossible to try to seize these processes by means of calculations, or by concepts, we dare to say it, rather hazy as those of negative cosmic pressure, of dark exotic energy, …

For all these reasons moreover, we reject the Big-bang's theory, knowing besides, that the analysis of the cosmic radiation that is resulting of the manufacturing of certain atomic nuclei (it is the nucleosynthesis which requires of temperatures of billion degrees), enables only to conclude that in the cosmos there has been, there are of the immense explosions.

To support this understanding, let's quote too the experiments led by the researchers John C. Mather and George F. Smoot (Nobel prize in physics 2006), by means of satellite COBE ; this one has enabled discovery of micro fluctuations of the cosmic radiation, between two points of the sky distant from several tens of degrees. (Results revealed in April, 1992).

In other words, these fluctuations show that the fossil radiation is not uniform in all directions, and thus that this radiation results from several sources, invalidating of numerous scientific theories as the Big-bang's theory, the texture theory of David N.Spergel' and cosmic ropes theory of Jeremiah P.Ostriker.

To tell the truth, some scientists begin to have the presentiment of a second Big-bang ; but then why two Bangs and not more ?,

especially since the universe is eternal because its substratum : the universal Energy,

the unitary Power of the materiality as we name it,

whose the "materialization" leads to reality's states,

is too, eternal because without dimension and without temporality.

Thus, in the universe, eternally, there has been, there are multiple Bangs.

It remains however an inescapable interrogation :

why is there something rather than nothing ? (cf. Leibniz).

Evidently, we shall  not try to answer !

Nevertheless, let us remember saint Augustine :

"… when it is read, 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth;' but that the yet same formless beginning of things, the matter capable of being formed and made, was called by these names, because contained in it there were these confused things not as yet distinguished by their qualities and forms, the which now being digested in their own orders, are called heaven and earth, the former being the spiritual, the latter the corporeal creature." (cf. Confessions  - book XII - 17, 26).


As to conclude, let's try to speak of the unitary Power who is primordial source of the creative entity, not omnipotent, who, managing the universe, singularises herself in every being and recognizes herself in man, by the I (ego, subject, spirit).

The creation's problem of the universe and its managing, are very former, we know it ; as for the given answers, they were naturally expressed according to the knowledges which were prevailing at their time ; so :

- Plato was differentiating the sensitive world perceived by the senses, of the one revealed by what is understandable to every man, whatever  his culture, in other words by what is expressed with the ideas in general, the beauty and the good in particular.

According to him, the ideas are the causes of any thing and if we consider what is beautiful as cause of the beauty means that the beautiful things imitate the beauty's idea.

- Aristotle thought that the world’s dynamics presupposes an efficient cause : a motor, and a reason, a finality : the good :

"There is therefore something which moves it (the first sky which is source of the movement in the universe), and as what is moved and is moving are associated, there should be something which actes without be moved …" (cf. Metaphysics – 1072, a 21).

 - As for Plotinus, it was convinced that :

"If there is something which precedes energy which is given, the "something" therefore transcends this energy and consequently also transcends the life.",

"But of the "One" who is the Good, comes for the Spirit the "several". Because the power which he had received, he was not able to retain it : he thus split up this power, and made it several…" (cf. Treatise 38 - 17, 10 - 15, 20).

Obviously, laws and principles don't manage the universe ; it’s a creative Power.

That is why,

having studied and followed the transcendency's ways imagined by Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus,

having noticed that in the universe, there is permanently an use of value references, in particular of durations these intervals which are not of the space but of transcendent order,

like for the universal Energy, this unitary physical Power,

we postulate the "realism" (the existence) of an unitary  Power of the spirituality ; it's thus an unitary divine Power who is the nature and source of the creative Power implicated in the world.

At this beginning of the third millennium, the scientific knowledges and the maturation of presentiments, of  concepts and logics, thus enable intellectual researches almost virgin of philosophic and theological investigations,

of original researches which allow in particular to discover that in every man, in every being, in any state of the reality, always cohabit, potential and materialized, physical and transcendent,  temporal and eternal, attesting so, that universe permanently is "connected" with two entities without dimension, with two eternal  sources.

But then, what are the relations, more exactly, the interactions between these two without form, these two unitary powers, and the universe ?

There too, we shall not try to answer but shall call back nevertheless, that some physical interactions are accessible to experimentation, the ones which "feed" the scientific speech,

and  others more subtle, expressed by the evolved beings, are giving evidence of the existence of abstract links and of the use of value references qualified with concept : "moral values ".

On the othe hand, knowing that there is no structural gap between the inert matter and the living matter, we imagine resemblances between the physical forces and links which enable elaboration and coherence of the abstract constructions (concepts, …, ideas, …) which "furnish" the abstraction's domain and more or less, express the reality,

some links from which logics are singular expressions.

Here we are also, far away from the current comprehensions about the powers, energies, forces, interactions and of logics which enable the coherence and world's dynamics !


P. Moyne

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