Meaning necessitates characteristics’s interpretation of the sense's vectors and of sense’s memories by transcendent faculties.
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Latest Activity: Aug 2, 2013
Sense, Communication, Information, Language of the beings
Why meaning is it different when we order variously words ?, wondered Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) without having answered ever.
What can we say of languages which enable beings to live, even, from assuming their destiny ?
Let's consider first, means of recognition used by the ants, means often evoked by the sociologists.
We know for example, that when several roads are leading to a source of food, very quickly, the ants privilege one of these ways,
the privileged way is then, the one that is marked by largest number of olfactive molecules secreted by these insects.
According to current speeches of scientists this fact would result from powers devolved by genes, and these olfactive molecules would be necessary to the "information competitiveness".
We must be rigorous.
If there is an "information competitiveness" this fact presupposes of sense's vectors, and therefore, implication of a creative entity to recognize and to judge characteristics of this vectors.
Indeed, an olfactive molecule cannot be efficient (active) without characteristics's interpretation of the electromagnetic waves, vectors of the sense, associated to particles and to atoms that compose this molecule.
More precisely, the ants, due to their only biophysical state, are unable to recognize a road (and their "sisters") ; it's necessary that a same creative entity, master of the "sense", singularized in each of them, judges the frequencies and amplitudes of the electromagnetic waves associated to olfactive molecules,
and it, using a universal system of references (a universal system of values ).
As for bees, they can mean and transmit "situation" of food zones with dances.
So, if the zones are near hive, dances are frantic, whereas angle between the dance's axis and the vertical, depends on the orientations "hive - sun" and "zone of food - sun".
Consequently, to them only, these facts give evidence :
- "realism"of a language that enables from transmitting the behaviors's interpretation,
- "existence" of a beyond the reality : the abstraction domain of the insects, ipso facto, of all beings.
Man, naturally, uses to express himself means according to his potentialities that moreover can be "sharped" with education and taking lived experiences into consideration.
Evolution of his language since childhood until adulthood, is significant in this respect :
newborn child shows his presence by shouts and simple gestures,
child employs words and small sentences,
teenager, having "digested" all the complexities of his language, is using more elaborated sentences, ...,
scholar has subtle and esoteric speeches.
Another essential precision, these divers languages necessitate the biophysical activities of some organs (hands, throat ..., brain), however, this fact does not mean that an organ, particularly brain, is an operator who recognize, judge, … and decide.
With man, we also know that these languages concern cerebral areas very specialized, areas that interact (Broca's and Wernicke's areas, ..., areas that enable from treating numbers, sounds, forms, movements, ...),
and are necessitating ceaseless reorganizations of synaptical connections in order to associate, mix, "mature", ..., the mental creations as the virtual images, concepts, ideas ... and anticipations which are in abstraction domain.
Nevertheless, a theory about the cognition which is founded only on biological facts, never will answer to the inevitable problematic rarely, even, never evoked :
what is creative entity who means with words, , ..., information, … ?
Another remarkable fact, although we are able to mean in a conscious way, process which enable the sense (of the letters, words, sentences, ...) escapes us.
For example, physicists develops extremely esoteric theories without knowing anything about primordial means which enable them to establish correlations between reality and their virtual (abstract) representations of the phenomena.
There are therefore of internal comprehensions which do not emerge from consciousness state and the conscious understanding of the sense does not result from only use of rules and practices.
Concerning these problems, John Searle (a philosopher of the language) interrogated himself for a long time without bringing a credible answer; according to him (and for the majority of the current philosophers) :
"There are blind neuropsychological processes and consciousness, but nothing else.".
Thus, don't be surprised by the vague expressions, even hazy, that are "blooming", as :
"understanding, that's something as transparency of the rules ",
"... as fruit of an unconscious guiding ",
"we understand a physical theory when a compatible interpretation with its mathematical structure enables from considering this structure as a means …".
Now, and we must repeat,
there is not transmission and memorization of the "sense" without interpretation of the characteristics of the electromagnetic waves there which are its primordial vectors,
an innate interpretation, or an innate and conscious interpretation made by using of universal value’s references.
Who interprets ?
The consciousness ?
Sure, no.
We know it henceforth, all beings, whatever is their complexity level, are object of ceaseless transmisssions, within their body, of processes organizations with biological effects and of processes organizations with behavioral effects, even with deadly effects.
Let's quote the informations fluxes at elementary level of the individuals which are using of polyvalent molecules : inhibitor, ..., modulator, messenger, and which are present in several animal and vegetable species.
Also, let's think to recognition and to permanent interpretation of memorized processes organizations on DNA by means of about 60.000 genes,
processes organizations requiring only four bases : Cytosine (C), Adenine (A), Guanine (G) and Thymine (T).
Consequently, sense and its transmission, particularly by language, cannot be considered as only owed to social interactions as say nowadays, "upholders" of the human sciences.
Therefore, let's beware to speeches's simplicity as :
"… the language … it is always of the social act that it has its power and for management of the social act that it is applied (Cf. Michel Deleau - The social origins of the mental development).
Certainly, language is an effective "tool" for structuring the psychism,
a tool that enables nourishment, stabilization, crystallization of thought activities around abstract poles (for example, the concepts),
certainly, language enables beings to live in their environment, notably their social environment,
nevertheless, that's essentially a transmission tool of transcendent activities that presuppose a creative entity, "master of the sense", who has powers on the energies and matter.
Due to this fact and as for primordial causes, we recognize no difference between the beings's languages, conscious or innate, and we consider even, that some of these languages enable from establishing the biomass's interactions.
Too, we observe that conscious language is, and will always be, "extremely poor" compared to the number and to the complexity of the necessary processes organizations for body's dynamics, and for dynamics of the life's phenomenon.
Why is it so ?
why the primordial processes organizations do not emerge from consciousness state then that "creative entity" who recognizes herself in us, by the I (ego, subject, spirit), uses them, constantly, at every structural level of the body ?
Is not it because this entity cannot surmount mysterious, inexorable and universal constraints ?
We are convinced of it.
On the other hand, knowing that all interactions with environment, all speeches, …, all transmissions of "sense", necessitate the body's cells ,
how not to interrogate us more ?,
until what internal level of our body and, ipso facto, until what structural level of the inert matter, is extended the sphere of influence of our conscious world's understanding ?,
are we not necessary to creative entity of divine character, who "manages" world, of all eternity ?
Having recognized three large successive stages of the language's development :
- first, commonplace pictography which enables reproducing, in an extremely simplified way, of the reality's perceptions ; pictography was used by our ancestors, it enabled them from transcribing on various supports, "virtual images of the reality " located in their abstraction domain, of images which were not different of ours (think to prehistoric drawings which decorate the caves, notably, Lascaux's cave),
- next, ideography, expression of a more subtle world's understanding that associates proto-concepts to pictograms,
- and the phonetic language where there are soundwaves,
besides, considering that primitive writing (cuneiform) appeared in Mesopotamia towards end of the millennium IV before J.C., a writing that was followed by Egyptian hieroglyph and Chinese ideogram,
nowadays, of numerous linguists recognize in the Sumerians, the first men really able to think.
Talking of this, remember of the word's ambiguity : "thought ", according to the circumstances, that is considered or as an operator or as the fruit of the brain's activities.
Let us be precise and rigorous, when we think, we develop the activities of transcendent order that lead to the concepts, ideas, anticipations ...
Therefore, the Sumerians were not first men who thought, but they has been the first ones who actualized (materialized to become realities) on clay supports, cerebral potentiality that enable from counting (eighty percent of cuneiforms Sumerian are numeric data concerning trade).
Consequently, it is erroneous from considering the language, in particular the writing, as producers of transcendency.
On the contrary, we can lead abstract activities and express some with the languageit because our I (ego, subject, spirit) is of transcendent order !
Biologists notice that the processes organizations at molecular level, for biological effects, for behavioral effects and even, for deadly effects, necessary for beings's dynamics, are not affected by changes of transmission processes.
Thus, these singular processes are not "altered" when they "cross" synapses.
More exactly, these processes are not modified when they cross the neuronal interfaces, and it, in spite of different vectors : biochemical molecules or electric signals,
essential fact foreseen by Ariel G. Loewy (1925-2001) and, today, unanimously recognized.
Why is it so ?
Is not it because the primordial vectors of the "sense" are electromagnetic waves ?
Let us insist because this fact is rich of philosophic and theological information.
For example, with regard to the smells perception,
two scientists, Richard Axel and Linda B. Buck, (Nobel 2004), working physiology of the olfactory system, have revealed existence of biological receivers (biological captors) sensitive to fragrant molecules,
receivers situated near membrane of certain cells.
Naturally, nowadays it is not necessary to be a specialist to assert that these receivers are efficient because their molecules are "sensitive" (in symbiosis) to electromagnetic waves which characterize a smell,
more exactly because their molecules are sensitive to the mix of electromagnetic waves, of different frequencies, that characterize a smell.
However and regrettably,
these researchers said nothing about process of functioning of these receivers,
said nothing about creative entity who, in every being, recognizes and uses smells vectors !
Biologists observe also, that :
- on one hand, for a type of piece of information (direction, noises, vibrations, pressures, light, ...) concerned sense organ has a large number of detectors ; think to millions of sensors as light-sensitive cells of the retina,
- on the other hand, the biological sensors collect signals which after are transformed in wave peaks and transmitted to brain by nerves,
and conclude then for example :
"Utilization of numerous sensors enables inter-correlations that an unique sensor does not enable, …,
the biological structures, sensors and intelligence interact.",
a summary conclusion which necessitates essential remarks.
The biological molecules, particularly the biological sensors, are not at all operators able of recognitions, choices, judgments, interactions, ...,
in compensation, they enable of the interactions and creation activities more or less interdependent, what is very different !
As for intelligence, it's a set of faculties that characterize creative entity who recognizes herself in the I (ego, subject, spirit), and who has power to transcend the things, from judging them and utilizing them.
Thus, all the biologic sensors have a common property :
they enable from detecting and transmitting primordial vectors of the "sense" and these are electromagnetic waves.
Let’s insist more.
Contrary to what is commonly said, things (reality's states) have not a narrow contact, in particular, there is not a perfect contact between skin and its outside.
Skin is indeed constituted by molecules, atoms and particles (about 1000 billion atoms in a cell),
and all these elements are separated by quantum vacuum (think to cosmic vacuum).
The true information vectors that cross skin, therefore are electromagnetic waves, the only ones that can cross quantum vacuum ; remember that every element of matter is characterized by the electromagnetic waves which are associated to itself inexorably (any state of the reality vibrates).
Besides, redundance of the biological sensors (their large number), only does not serve for increasing the reliability of the sensorial organs.
This redundance enables too, from removing some aleatory disturbances of the sensorial perceptions.
In other words, multiplication of the detection points enables from amplifying "useful" waves, eliminating by mixing, the parasitic aleatory electromagnetic waves.
So, the interactions which we maintain with our environment,
the universal language which unites us with the reality, depends entirely on the recognition and interpretation of characters of specific electromagnetic waves.
Talking of this, let us comment as for absorption of the photons by photosynthetic proteins during photosynthesis phenomenon.
We know henceforth that these proteins are structured in crowns and are composed of extremely complex molecular sets including chlorophyll molecules and amino acid chains in helix form.
Now, the photons, what are they doing when they penetrate into photosynthetic proteins ?
First of all, they visit successively several hundreds of these annular structures in lapses of time of tenth of millionths of billionths of second (it's an estimation), afterwards, they are absorbed by of specialized proteins which recover the calorific energy.
But then, why do photons visit these annular structures ?
Having noted that photons show an unique excitement, do not react between them and cannot be copied, we do not hesitate to say that due to electromagnetic waves which characterize them,
they are meta-information's vectors, even, unchanging primordial processes organizations vectors concerning universe, ipso facto, life's phenomenon.
Today, with the scientific "revelations", we are walking on new and difficult Damascus roads,
difficult but nevertheless rich in credible expectations !
Let's dream with the neutrinos
What can we say of the neutrinos which cross universe ?
On account of their electromagnetic waves, are they also "ambassadors" of the divine world's nobility ?
That's Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (1900 - 1958) who, the first one, after experiments on radioactivity, and for to respect sacrosanct principle of the energy's preservation, imagined this particle with a mass smaller than that of the classic particles (billions of times),
hypothesis confirmed in 1950s.
Any matter emits them (stars, planets, objects and beings) ; from our body would escape from it of 3000 to 6000/s.
The neutrinos are crossing densest states of the matter almost at speed of light ; for example, to reduce of half, a stream of these particles, a wall of lead having an equivalent thickness to one light-year (ly), would be necessary.
Besides, although their mass is extremely small, because of their number their energy would be equivalent to the one of all stars.
So, we are plunged in a bath of neutrinos and we can assert that if we had eyes adapted, we would perceive world with a lighting by neutrinos.
Then, which would be our vision of the reality ?
Moreover, numerous photons flows reveal past states of the world, and so we can believe that flows of neutrinos are bearers of original information concerning universe's history.
In particular, what processes organizations do they transport in the universe after they have crossed our body,
and more generally, what information are conveyed by the particles that we exchange permanently with Pierre, Paul, ... and cosmos ?
What aberration,
how intelligentsia can she believe that laws and processes manage universe,
a disastrous "drift" (an error) of understanding, which is diffused by the scientists and admitted, without opposition, by the philosophers and theologians.
All phenomena necessitate transmission of information and of processes organizations, and that’s a language.
Here are new arguments ; let's consider process which enables control of ceaseless micro-bleedings, notably in the articulations.
Observation of common sense :
so that such bleedings are controlled (limited), naturally, they must be recognized and treated,
of facts which presuppose extremely subtle faculties (and powers) and biophysical processes very complex and effective.
More exactly, it is necessary from judging the physical and chemical micro unbalances induced by micro blood effusions, and it, by taking into account numerous value references.
For stopping these bleedings, it is also necessary to use specific processes leading to blood's coagulation,
of processes which must be integrated into precise chronologies,
what notably requires mastery of durations, these intervals which are not space but of transcendent order.
what can we say about creative entity who having detected bleedings, by means of processes organizations with biological effects orders blood's coagulation, punctual and almost immediate ?,
what can we say about this operator, master of the time ?
We can analyze in a same way, haemophilia.
Formerly lived as a curse of God, this illness (near a male child on five thousand, is affected) is henceforth treated by an effective medication.
By this treatment it is injected in patient's blood, specific molecules which enable from stabilizing the just quantity of the coagulation factors VIII and IX (today, these molecules are produced industrially with blood's plasma).
Knowing complexity of the blood's proteins (of the enzymes), can we believe that due to their only physico-chemical properties, bio molecules are responsible of the coherence and normality of the interactions necessary for maintaining blood's balances ?
Certainly no.
Nevertheless and no doubt, these molecules enable from remedying to deficiency of genetic processes organizations leading to such balances, what is very different.
The coagulation factors VIII and IX are also synthetized by micro-organisms, cells cultivated or animals cells that have a particular human gene (a gene voluntarily placed in their embryo).
How these cells, these micro-organisms, ..., could they enable from synthetizing these coagulation factors if themselves were not memories of processes organizations with specific biologic effects,
of processes organizations which are elaborated by an unique creative entity who uses universal references of value.
As for transgenesis (implantation into a living organism of a foreign gene that confers to this organism a new property that it will transmit to its descendants), if it is more delicate than foreseen, is not it on account of our great ignorance, even, of our total ignorance of the biological processes organizations that enable life's dynamics ?
Here is another essential remark,
powders which enable from treating haemophilia are effective when they are dissolved in serum because this one contains also water.
Let us remember old proverb : " Corpora non agunt nisi soluta " (The substances act only dissolved).
How understand this biological primordial action of the water ?
Until very recently, it was not possible to respond in a satisfactory way.
We know henceforth that water molecules which compose our body, have an influence which is more that "physico-chemical" (their number is very important : 97 % of our organs).
Water enables also memorization and diffusion of electromagnetic waves which are primordial vectors of necessary biological processes organizations for the life.
So, completely dehydrated bacteria (of the inert matter which has, to potential state, of myriads of biological processes organizations, revive when they are again hydrated.
In other words and more generally, water is an essential substance that enables "actualization" (materialization for becoming realities) of myriads of biological processes organizations memorized, to potential state, into molecules which contain carbon and compose the beings.
Here are another examples, among multitudes, which show realism (existence) of biological processes organizations and of biological information, and therefore, which give evidence of a common language to beings :
* Naturally, the genetic code.
"Today, all alive bodies are made by one or several cells, surrounded of membranes ... All organisms utilize DNA as reproductible memory of genetic information, all are expressing this information by transcription of the DNA on RNA and all convert RNA in the proteins by the same mechanisms, including, except for of rare relatively recent exceptions, by the same genetic code.
All utilize the same basic processes of combine so as to transmit their information.
All make the same kind of complex metabolic reactions built around a common nucleus and catalysed by of big proteic enzymes which generally are composed by several hundreds of amino acids and coenzymes of which several are universally distributed … ",
"Appearance of RNA is considered as a key-event which divides the protometabolism into two periods : before-ARN where dominates exclusively chemistry, and after-ARN where selection adds itself to chemistry ... " (Cf. Singularities – C. de Duve – Nobel).
Although it is necessary for understanding life's dynamics, this analysis cannot however satisfy philosopher and theologian.
Indeed, selections presuppose of faculties of transcendent order, that enable recognitions, judgments, … and choices ; it's an essential necessity which never is discussed, even, always ignored.
Observe, even if genetic code is sometimes object of peculiarities,
it is unanimously recognized universal, structured, combinatorial, optimized at best,
so many particularities which show that it is not fact of accidental processes, hazard's product or fruit of a natural selection.
For example, let’s consider optimization ; although there is at genetic level, a redundancy of the information and processes organizations,
- optimization of the genetic code presupposes more than selections : a same operator and an intention which is according to us, associated to a necessity,
- let's repeat again, the information and processes organizations necessitate ceaseless taking into consideration of numerous value references, notably, the durations.
Genetic replication is, too, particularly rich for quest of primordial causes.
So, even if DNA replication is made in a similar way to the one of the RNA, this replication shows a research of more reliability.
According to C. de Duve :
"DNA replication is subjected to a supplementary control by of specific enzymes which detect and suppress a large part of the erroneous assortments ....
With this control, the exactness of DNA replication enormously exceeds the one of the RNA, reaching the rate of error fantastically low of one desoxynucleotide incorrectly inserted on approximately a billion." (Cf. Singularities).
Consequently, what is creative entity who is responsible of this process because, naturally, enzymes do not control ?
Enzymes, specific molecular structures, sometimes enable verifyings, what is quite different.
As for expressions of the life's phenomenon, if they are various and interdependent in this world of sacrificial character, is not it because of a primordial necessity which incites to creations, of a universal freedom and inexorable constraints (impossibilities) ?
Why not to say anything about this mysterious, imperious and universal need to create ?,
who can ignore the universal constraints associated to freedoms ?
* " Migration road of the cells" and "specialization of the cells".
We know that this road is not very important because the all new cells are the same ; they "settle" there where they are necessary and there where they are asked.
These almost immediate adaptations, made without errors, therefore show that extremely quick precise processes organizations are transmitted with of specific vectors of the sense (by a language) ,until elementary levels of the beings.
* The genetic abnormalities, as the drepanocytic and thalassemia, which protect from malaria given by the Plasmodium falciparum, a parasite conveyed by mosquitoes.
Do you believe that it is only of light variations of the genetic characteristics (physico-chemical) which enable from neutralizing the malaria ?
We do not think.
The genetic characteristics are more than physico-chemical : they include biological processes organizations of transcendent order.
* Among the singular languages within body, let's quote too, deadly biological processes organizations which are necessary for beings's development.
In conclusion,
world's dynamics necessitates permanent exchanges of energy, and of "sense" by means of languages.
More particularly, life requires individualization, interdependence and ceaseless processes organizations transmissions.
At elementary level of our body, for example,
- individualization of any cell is made by an extremely flexible permeable membrane,
- interdependence by fluxes of energies, information, and biological processes organizations.
As a consequence and knowing that universal laws cannot recognize, judge, …, decide and act,
we are convinced that we evolve in a cyber world,
Cogito ergo mundus vivit (I think, therefore world is living).
We also postulate life's phenomenon as result of creation activities which enabled of significant increases of processes organizations fluxes in an inert matter containing the carbon and of the water.
Let us remember John’s gospel :
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came to be through him,
and without him nothing came to be.. "(1, 1-2-3).
What are relations between this Word and the creative entity who manage world,
this entity who, master of the "sense" and therefore of the universal language,
recognize herself in the I (me, ego, spirit) ?
Paul Moyne
You are free to leave your remarks concerning this text.
Paul Moyne
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