Knol Stuff

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All Blog Posts (2,732)

Gloomy sunday

If u didnt hear anything about Gloomy Sunday,i can surely say that u are missed to view the power of music in your life time....

g l o o m y s u n d a y is a notorius s u i c i d e s o n g was written in 1933. Its melody and original lyrics were the creation of Rezső Seress, a self-taught pianist and composer born in Hungary in 1899.

The crushing hopelessness and bitter despair which characterised the two stanza penned by Seress were superseded by the more mournful, melancholic… Continue

Added by saleemkvt on July 27, 2008 at 9:00am — 8 Comments


Tingen är allt i den fysika världen. Symbolerna är det vi kan prata om och uppleva. Förändring är när något förändras utefter något annat. Oftast är det ett ting som förändras efter tiden.
Om någon tycker att detta är otäckt lik platons idévärld, så har han helt rätt.

Added by Johan Sandén on July 27, 2008 at 8:40am — No Comments

Twin Towers

The Petronas Twin Towers (also known as the Petronas Towers or Twin Towers), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were the world's tallest buildings, before being surpassed by the Taipei 101. However, the towers are still the tallest twin buildings in the world. Tower 2 was built by Samsung Engineering & Construction and Tower 1 by Hazama Corporation [1]. They were the world's tallest buildings from 1998 to 2004 if measured from the level of the main entrance to the structural top, the original… Continue

Added by Rahul gupta on July 27, 2008 at 7:11am — 1 Comment

Advantages of yoga and pranayama

About Pranayama

The Meaning of Pranayama actually means a "pause in the movement of breath". In Sanskrit, Prana means breath and Ayama means exercise. Pranayamas consist of controlled breathing practices while breathing exercises in Western countries are focused on deep breathing and maximizing oxygen in-take.

Pranayama are developed by the ancient yogis for purification. Prana translates into "life force energy" and Yama translates into "control or mastery of". Thus,… Continue

Added by Rahul gupta on July 27, 2008 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

info web environnement radio web plbd consultant

Environnement: Kofi Annan hausse le ton

Cette conférence est la dernière grande rencontre internationale à laquelle participe le secrétaire général.

Le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies Kofi Annan a été très dur à l'égard de tous ceux qui mettent en doute le phénomène de réchauffement de la planète.

Kofi Annan, qui quittera ses fonctions en janvier, a, par ailleurs, présenté un plan de l'ONU visant à faire profiter les pays africains de l'application du Protocole de… Continue

Added by le berrigaud on July 27, 2008 at 6:38am — No Comments


To day I want to learn more about stress. As after anger one thing that happens with me is stress.

Why in to day to day life people are feeling more and more stress. As I understand anger and stress always go to gather but basic difference I understand anger is more dependent on people around you, as u feel they do not work or perform as per your expectation, liking and desire and u get angry

But stress is feeling that is I myself have to blame me because of my expectation my… Continue

Added by narendra on July 27, 2008 at 2:11am — No Comments

CSR and the Agriculture Sector ~ Quo Vadis?

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Agriculture Sector ~ Quo Vadis?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined broadly as the link between profit, people and planet (environment). Gone are the days when big business was only interested in making a profit for their shareholders. Society at large expect them to also plough back into the various societies that make use of their services or buy their products, while business is also being held responsible for… Continue

Added by Neil Fourie on July 26, 2008 at 4:44pm — No Comments

Carbon Group

I am starting this blog for a very rare available literature on carbon and graphite products
so pls respond thosee who are into these kind of products

Added by Ritesh on July 26, 2008 at 4:01pm — No Comments

Nature Photography - Macro World of Butterflies

Hey Everyone,

Been out to nature yesterday to take some shots,
and found myself in the macro world of butterflies.
Its all up in an album in my pictures :) Enjoy :)

Added by Simba on July 26, 2008 at 11:28am — 6 Comments

The IT Swamp

After working for so many years in computer support, from simple

PC Repair and maintenance, to servers and system administration, It has come down to me that I have to start up a new hobby project - A technical support / IT Knowledgebase kinda site where I will post my own stuff and have my techie friends or anyone else who wants to participate - post theirs.

After a few hours of work and lots of drugs used - I have created my new site - The… Continue

Added by Simba on July 26, 2008 at 10:58am — No Comments

First post

So. Google Knol.
Had to login and check it out.
Nice and clean :)


Added by Simba on July 26, 2008 at 10:53am — No Comments

Knol Google is here! Open to the public!

From the Google Blog 7/23/2008 10:31:00 AM

A few months ago we announced that we were testing a new product called Knol. Knols are authoritative articles about specific topics, written by people who know about those subjects. Today, we're making Knol available to everyone.

The web contains vast amounts of information, but not everything worth knowing is on the web. An enormous amount of information resides in people's heads: millions of people know useful things and billions… Continue

Added by knolstuff on July 25, 2008 at 5:33pm — 2 Comments

Knol Google first day

Knol Google 23 juillet 2008

Knol is open to everyone

7/23/2008 10:31:00 AM A few months ago we announced that we were testing a new product called Knol. Knols are authoritative articles about specific topics, written by people who know about those subjects. Today, we're making Knol available to everyone.The web contains vast amounts of information, but not everything worth knowing is on the web. An enormous amount of information resides in people's heads:… Continue

Added by le berrigaud on July 25, 2008 at 10:36am — 3 Comments

Misery, Shackles and Death

Wherever you are in the world, do you conclude that your business assists in the world community’s development? Or does your business exploit humans who are otherwise unable (yet) to obtain your freedoms and quality of life? I submit that where you spend your dollar, is the true key.

It is rather astonishing that growing global enterprises are able to obtain slavery or near-slavery labor under the guise of “one world economy”. The so-called “global community” then endeavors not to… Continue

Added by Guy Michaud on July 25, 2008 at 10:15am — No Comments

Chambre de commerce euro med

Chambre de commerce Euro Med plbd consultant Euro Med

Monsieur Le Berrigaud, Vice Président d'une nouvelle Chambre de Commerce dénommée Euro Med, pourquoi cette nouvelle Chambre et elle d'adressera à qui ?


D'abord c'est une structure innovante. Nous avons voulu nous démarquer des standars habituels des chambres de commerce. L'innovation réside dans l'approche de la relation avec le membre par la mise en place d'actions personnalisées avec… Continue

Added by le berrigaud on July 25, 2008 at 5:48am — No Comments

Solaire Nord Sud ?

L'approvisionnement "solaire" de l'Europe par le Sud

(src : Daily Mail)

Des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques installés dans le désert d'Afrique du Nord et couvrant une superficie grande comme le pays de Galles pourrait fournir en "électricité verte" l'ensemble du vieux continent a indiqué un groupe d'expert.

Selon le dailymail, cette idée appuyée par le premier ministre britannique Gordon Brown et le président français Nicolas Sarkozy, a été discutée lors du sommet de lancement… Continue

Added by le berrigaud on July 25, 2008 at 5:39am — No Comments

Terre environnement plbd

Terre Planète environnement plbd

Note notre planète

Auteur non identifiéCélébrée pour la première fois le 22 avril 1970 aux Etats Unis, la Journée Mondiale de la Terre fête aujourd’hui son 38ième anniversaire dans plus de 180 pays... sauf en France

HistoriqueLa Journée Mondiale de la Terre marque tous les ans l'anniversaire de la naissance, en 1970, de l’embryon du mouvement environnemental, lorsque le sénateur américain du Wisconsin Gaylord Nelson encouragea… Continue

Added by le berrigaud on July 25, 2008 at 4:59am — No Comments

Environnement BEI Méditerranée 2020

>Environnement Méditerranée Commission européenne plbd

La Commission européenne et la Banque européenne d’investissement (BEI) ont présenté le 10 avril les résultats d’une étude sur des investissements potentiels visant à dépolluer un certain nombre de «zones sensibles» des pays de la Méditerranée méridionale et orientale.

L’étude effectuée dans le cadre de l’initiative de la Commission Horizon 2020 a pour objectif de lutter contre les principales sources de… Continue

Added by le berrigaud on July 25, 2008 at 4:57am — No Comments


PROPHECY: Cyrus will set the Jews free from Babylon………Isaiah 44;28.


Ezra 1;1 Amplified Bible

The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia to send the Jews back to Judah and Jerusalem, to re-build the Temple of the God of Israel.

Cyrus (the sun) was not a believer (a disciple) in the God of Israel. Why did Cyrus order the Jerusalem Temple to be built?

Jeremiah 29;10

The Lord said: when 70 years… Continue

Added by dennis on July 25, 2008 at 4:44am — No Comments


Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium. An insurer is a company selling the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called the premium, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling… Continue

Added by Sohel Golwala on July 25, 2008 at 4:15am — No Comments

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Artistic Vision

Posted by Stacy Esch on November 6, 2023 at 8:15pm 10 Comments

Is an artist's "vision" primarily a product of experience or imagination? I don't want to pursue the simple answer that it's both. Is it primarily one or the other, of if it's just plain old both, how do they interact to create an imaginary world?

Is it true that some people have more artistic vision than others, or is this kind of seeing equally available to all?

Trying to find treatment.

Posted by Clare Davis on November 6, 2023 at 8:15pm 0 Comments

In the beginning of August 2008 I was doing great. I went to the gym 3 times a week for 3 hours each time. I had lost weight and had a nice tone coming. I was nicely tanned with some help of the tanning beds. I rode my motorcycle back and forth to work and to the gym. In the middle of August a leg press came down on top of my head while i was trying to get it reset to the proper location so I would be able to use the equipment. I got very dizzy and had to go home, that was the end of my…


Driving in France and different regulations including what you need to have

Posted by Martyn Davis on November 6, 2023 at 8:14pm 0 Comments

Driving through France can be a fantastic experience which you can never forget, and as always the rules and regulations between countries can differ, which is where we've composed a small list to help keep on the right side of the law and to help keep you safe!

Obviously, passengers have to wear seat belts, but one thing in France is different from some countries in that children under ten years old are not allowed to sit in the front passenger seat at all.

Another is, even if…


Making Juices In your own home: A Beginners.

Posted by Tory Tilley on November 6, 2023 at 8:13pm 0 Comments

Read through bellow best tips an informatior respect what is the best juicer to buy

You will find few things you can do, for healthy for you than juicing daily will be. The juice naturally hydrates the body. It also supplies a person with essential vitamins, EFAs, fatty acids, carbs and proteins to help you function at your top. Read these tips to make juicing easier.

Remember to remove hard pits from fruits like peaches and cherries before sending them over the juicer.…



Posted by Jeanett Seale on November 6, 2023 at 8:13pm 0 Comments

En lo personal me gusta mucho esta dieta, tiene practicamente de este mundo. Hay aquellos que recurren a las pldoras de dieta y otras ideas para ayudarse a lograr el peso idela. La forma ms comn de La dieta de tres dias en necesidades diarias de caloras, grasas y nutrientes pueden diferir significativamente de persona a persona dependiendo de la edad, peso, sexo y otros factores.

As que al mantener tu consumo de caloras e incrementar las ests aqu, voy a enumerar lo que se dice qu…


Remember The Ramifications Of A UK State.

Posted by Yolanda Bruner on November 6, 2023 at 8:12pm 0 Comments

If you're ready to find more info regarding UK Pension Service (Go To This Site) have a look at

How You Can Watch Watch Programs Online

Posted by Nickolas Caraballo on November 6, 2023 at 8:11pm 0 Comments

Moreover, by watching watch free movies online without downloading or paying at home, individuals can save of transportation, popcorn, furthermore drinks. They are even enjoy smash flicks in good environment where a person's lighting and noise are controlled and simply suited to non-public preferences.

Movie pictures nowadays, are completing different shapes and colours. Centuries back, before the formulation of movies, women and…


Raspberry Ketone & Fat Loss

Posted by Samuel Dunlap on November 6, 2023 at 8:11pm 0 Comments

raspberry ketone

Consider everything you are going to eat for the entire day. If you realize that you are likely to have a heavy meal later in the evening, make your breakfast and lunch options on the lighter side. Then you will be good eating your dinner, and you will not feel guilty about this.

renowned doctor reveals what works for weight loss -… Continue

Nike Roshe Run Mens Gold Pink

Posted by Fina on November 6, 2023 at 8:10pm 0 Comments

Common Engines as well …


Hyderabad Moving Agencies – How to locate Proper One

Posted by Sanjeev Saxena on November 6, 2023 at 8:10pm 0 Comments

There are several expert transferring firms as well as packers along with movers within Hyderabad who is able to always be helping mitts ones diverse new house purchase desires. I suggest you pick the best one which properly caters the needs you have, choices as well as finances. You will need to select the right 1 which is not simply very affordable and also trustworthy, encountered, covered with insurance, signed up plus much more notably trusted. Nevertheless finding out there the most…


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