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SEO and Long Tail Marketing

If you're a small business and you're trying to market your website, you may find it difficult to compete with the larger companies. You know, the companies that have triple the number of employees that you have, the companies that have 10 more websites than you have, the companies with deeper pockets than you have.

So, how can you, as a small business, compete on the Internet? Easy - Long Tail Marketing!

Long Tail Marketing is the concept of targeting keyword phrases that… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on January 13, 2009 at 11:52am — No Comments

2009 Welcome to the New Year... what will it bring?

2009 will bring..

I got the message that:

Cholera will spread in Africa and thousands will die.

An attempt on Obama"s life

What will it bring for you?

Mugabe will be forced to step down.

The British Pound and the Euro will be 1:1

An earthquake disaster in the USA, in the ring of fire.

A natural disaster in Canada.

Saturn turns… Continue

Added by Anne Stander on January 6, 2009 at 11:27pm — No Comments

Impact of Social Media on SEO

Mike Seidle from Pro Blog Service wrote..."Most of our clients at Professional Blog Service come in thinking SEO. Somewhere they hear that blogging works for getting better ranks on Google. Then a funny thing happens: After about one-three weeks the light goes on and they realize that social media can be much bigger than SEO for their business. After that the game changes to a full on social media blitz - and the SEO benefits - they don’t… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on December 30, 2008 at 11:41am — No Comments

Engraved Name Tags

Name tags are worn by employees for many reasons: to let a customer know that the person they are talking to is a representative of the company; to help employees feel that they are a part of a team; and to help "brand" the company logo to the client. Name tags come in all shapes and sizes and in all colors and styles, but one of the most durable and professional name badges you can get are engraved name tags.

We've all seen someone wearing them - we've…


Added by Mickey Arledge on December 29, 2008 at 7:24pm — No Comments

Time To Go Mobile

Well, it's time to convert your website into a mobile version.


iphone is now selling re-furbished iphones for $99.00 (so practically anyone can afford an iphone) - AND Walmart is now selling iphones. That means that this product will now be more in the mainstream than ever. The number of mobile phone users continues to grow, despite the global recession. And what is the mantra for Internet marketing?


Yes, the "build it… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on December 29, 2008 at 11:28am — No Comments

Quanti blog-post

sabato 27 dicembre 2008 L'uomo in chat

Tutto è partito da questo principio: che non bisognava ridurre l'innammorato ad un puro e semplice soggetto sintomatologico, ma piuttosto dar voce a ciò che in lui vi è d'inattuale, vale a dire d'intrattabile.

Di qui la scelta di un metodo "drammatico", che rinuncia agli esempi e si basa unicamente sull'azione di un linguaggio immediato (niente metalinguaggio).

La descrizione del discorso… Continue

Added by onaironlus on December 28, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

2009 Will Be All About Diversifying

Well, I've read and watched several reports this weekend about 2009. And uh, none are promising. I'm paraphrasing here but reading in the newspaper, online and watching CNN, MSNBC and Fox (I guess I am a news hound!) - it seems that we're all in for a very rough ride in 2009.

President Elect Obama said last week, "'s going to get worse before it gets better..."



Added by Esther Kane on December 22, 2008 at 11:10am — No Comments

Even in Recession a New Business Reaches Success and Pulls More to Follow

Orange County, CA - Code Pink Boot Camp is an outdoor fitness program designed for women that began in January 2008 with one early morning and mid-morning camp in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. One short, recession filled year later, Code Pink Boot Camp has grown to 29 camps covering 3 states, CA, AZ and HI.

Christina Lucy is the founder of Code Pink Boot Camp. She accepts no accolades for this success, yet promotes it as being a plan from God. “After reaching a low point,… Continue

Added by Christina Lucy on December 20, 2008 at 5:22pm — No Comments

What Keyword Phrases Are Your Audience Typing In?

Oh, but you'd be surprised how many websites miss this point!

Think about it - search engines are just machines. All they can do is match up the words that people type in to their computers and laptops and mobile devices - with the words that are on the website pages. Or blog pages, or press release pages, etc. You get the point. Yes, there are semantic rules, there are placement rules, there are many rules, but the bottom line is if your audience is typing in "abc" and you're… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on December 19, 2008 at 10:09am — No Comments

So Many New Websites and Services!

A few months ago I purchased an Amazon Kindle. I just love it. I subscribed to a few blogs and every night, I spend a few minutes reading (which always helps me get to sleep). As a result, I've been finding so many unbelievable new websites and services out there - it's almost impossible to keep up! But, I thought I'd share some of the coolest ones that I've found… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on December 15, 2008 at 12:10pm — No Comments

For Elegance And Class, Wear Metal Name Tags

First impressions can make or break a relationship, both in life and in the business world. If you want to project an image of class and elegance, your staff needs to wear metal name tags. Metal name tags are sophisticated and they tell the world that your company cares about the smallest details.

Metal name tags are made with aluminum…


Added by Mickey Arledge on December 14, 2008 at 5:28pm — No Comments

What Is The Internet Audience Searching For?

Someone asked me yesterday, "What do we need to do to market ourselves on the Internet?"

My answer was, "You have to find out what your audience is looking for and then give it to them." - Pretty simple? Well, yes and no. You see, the difference between Internet marketing and traditional marketing is that it's much easier with Internet marketing to identify what Internet users are searching for. Why? Because what they type in is being recorded. Everywhere!

Let me show… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on December 12, 2008 at 10:33am — No Comments

New Internet Applications, Businesses, Websites and More

Literally every day now there are new applications, new online businesses sprouting up all over the place! It's difficult to keep up with all of them but we do try. Here's a list of some new Internet applications, new Internet businesses, and new Internet websites that we've found this week.

It declares itself as the Ultimate online resource directory for entrepreneurs. They provide services,… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on December 10, 2008 at 10:55am — No Comments

SEO Tips For Web Design

Web designers can do so much for themselves, their clients and their businesses by incorporating the following seo tips...

1) Make sure your URL's are as SEO friendly as possible. Avoid all those "=" and "?" marks. Use mod re-write to re-create these URL's to a more seo friendly format. Also, if the URL includes the keyword phrase for that page, that's extra bonuses!

2) Keyword research should be the absolute basis of any website design project. It should be the very first… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on December 9, 2008 at 5:36pm — No Comments

2009 - what will happen?


Get YOUR personal map for 2009 for only $25.

Contact silverjade today. Offer valid for December 2008 ONLY.

Added by Anne Stander on December 9, 2008 at 4:11pm — No Comments



The Republic of Equatorial Guinea is a fast growing country in Equatorial Africa, being an ex communist and poor country, Guinea Ecuatorial enjoys Petrol and extremely wealthy economy one of the fastest growing in the world.

Equatorial Guinea was under one of the oldest Communist dictatorship in Africa, My president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo brought to the country wealth and security before 1979 was even forbidden to hold… Continue

Added by PROF. EUGENIO CALIGIURI on December 7, 2008 at 5:08am — No Comments

Some New Internet Tools

Here are some new Internet tools and toys I found this past week. Maybe some of them will help you! - iphoneize your website - FREE! Basically, you enter in your RSS feed for the website. You're then given a code to add to your <head></head> tag and anyone accessing your website via their iphone will then be send directly to the iphone version!…


Added by Esther Kane on December 4, 2008 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Twitter For Business - Some Ideas

If you haven't heard yet about Twitter - and I can't imagine how that could be - but just in case - let me give you a rundown. is a micro blogging tool. All that means is that it's a program, online, where anyone can go, create an account and begin following people and of course, get followed. With that account they can post a note, up to 140 characters, as many times as they like throughout the day, week, month, year, etc. Basically, it's an online instant messaging… Continue

Added by Esther Kane on December 3, 2008 at 1:56pm — No Comments


Aren't feathers beautiful things? They are excellent examples of multifunctional structures devised by nature: Warmth, waterproofing, cushioning, bedding, water storage, balast, camouflage, display, expression, sound, roughage, propulsion, lift, sensing and cleaning.

Today's message: Throw away your swiss army knife and find yourself a feather

Added by Ed on November 28, 2008 at 3:27pm — No Comments

Reusable Name Tags

Reusable name tags are a great option for businesses that have a high turnover rate or a large number of employees. These name tags allow you to customize the name badges right on site instead of having to continuously reorder name badges from a supplier. In addition, for retailers, reusable name tags allow a brand name or brand image to be up front and in the customer's line of sight while they are interacting with employees. But, in the business world (especially in the… Continue

Added by Mickey Arledge on November 25, 2008 at 7:34pm — No Comments

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Artistic Vision

Posted by Stacy Esch on November 6, 2023 at 8:15pm 10 Comments

Is an artist's "vision" primarily a product of experience or imagination? I don't want to pursue the simple answer that it's both. Is it primarily one or the other, of if it's just plain old both, how do they interact to create an imaginary world?

Is it true that some people have more artistic vision than others, or is this kind of seeing equally available to all?

Trying to find treatment.

Posted by Clare Davis on November 6, 2023 at 8:15pm 0 Comments

In the beginning of August 2008 I was doing great. I went to the gym 3 times a week for 3 hours each time. I had lost weight and had a nice tone coming. I was nicely tanned with some help of the tanning beds. I rode my motorcycle back and forth to work and to the gym. In the middle of August a leg press came down on top of my head while i was trying to get it reset to the proper location so I would be able to use the equipment. I got very dizzy and had to go home, that was the end of my…


Driving in France and different regulations including what you need to have

Posted by Martyn Davis on November 6, 2023 at 8:14pm 0 Comments

Driving through France can be a fantastic experience which you can never forget, and as always the rules and regulations between countries can differ, which is where we've composed a small list to help keep on the right side of the law and to help keep you safe!

Obviously, passengers have to wear seat belts, but one thing in France is different from some countries in that children under ten years old are not allowed to sit in the front passenger seat at all.

Another is, even if…


Making Juices In your own home: A Beginners.

Posted by Tory Tilley on November 6, 2023 at 8:13pm 0 Comments

Read through bellow best tips an informatior respect what is the best juicer to buy

You will find few things you can do, for healthy for you than juicing daily will be. The juice naturally hydrates the body. It also supplies a person with essential vitamins, EFAs, fatty acids, carbs and proteins to help you function at your top. Read these tips to make juicing easier.

Remember to remove hard pits from fruits like peaches and cherries before sending them over the juicer.…



Posted by Jeanett Seale on November 6, 2023 at 8:13pm 0 Comments

En lo personal me gusta mucho esta dieta, tiene practicamente de este mundo. Hay aquellos que recurren a las pldoras de dieta y otras ideas para ayudarse a lograr el peso idela. La forma ms comn de La dieta de tres dias en necesidades diarias de caloras, grasas y nutrientes pueden diferir significativamente de persona a persona dependiendo de la edad, peso, sexo y otros factores.

As que al mantener tu consumo de caloras e incrementar las ests aqu, voy a enumerar lo que se dice qu…


Remember The Ramifications Of A UK State.

Posted by Yolanda Bruner on November 6, 2023 at 8:12pm 0 Comments

If you're ready to find more info regarding UK Pension Service (Go To This Site) have a look at

How You Can Watch Watch Programs Online

Posted by Nickolas Caraballo on November 6, 2023 at 8:11pm 0 Comments

Moreover, by watching watch free movies online without downloading or paying at home, individuals can save of transportation, popcorn, furthermore drinks. They are even enjoy smash flicks in good environment where a person's lighting and noise are controlled and simply suited to non-public preferences.

Movie pictures nowadays, are completing different shapes and colours. Centuries back, before the formulation of movies, women and…


Raspberry Ketone & Fat Loss

Posted by Samuel Dunlap on November 6, 2023 at 8:11pm 0 Comments

raspberry ketone

Consider everything you are going to eat for the entire day. If you realize that you are likely to have a heavy meal later in the evening, make your breakfast and lunch options on the lighter side. Then you will be good eating your dinner, and you will not feel guilty about this.

renowned doctor reveals what works for weight loss -… Continue

Nike Roshe Run Mens Gold Pink

Posted by Fina on November 6, 2023 at 8:10pm 0 Comments

Common Engines as well …


Hyderabad Moving Agencies – How to locate Proper One

Posted by Sanjeev Saxena on November 6, 2023 at 8:10pm 0 Comments

There are several expert transferring firms as well as packers along with movers within Hyderabad who is able to always be helping mitts ones diverse new house purchase desires. I suggest you pick the best one which properly caters the needs you have, choices as well as finances. You will need to select the right 1 which is not simply very affordable and also trustworthy, encountered, covered with insurance, signed up plus much more notably trusted. Nevertheless finding out there the most…


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